Sak- och Personregister:
Aldis 16
Alltimesigurd 2a
Ana Westin 13/24
Anerobe Bereich 33
Anja Casserer 22
Anja Pärson 22
Arbete 20
Asylseekeren 10
Auschwitz 5a
Badminton 11/19
Barockoboe 18
Bath College of Higher Education 6a
Ballett 16
Berliner Mauer 6/11
Bernt 4/34
Bersåker 28
Beuys Grafik 32
Bildmuseet 2/3/13/20/25/32
Bimbo 3a/7a
Britt-Marie 9a/14/27
Camilla 10/24
Carrey (Young) 3a/10/11/21
Carin (Moderna Museet Skulpturpriset)7a
Casual Ceramics 9/11/14/16
Chessna 26
Christopher 5a/26
Claire (Barcley) 7a
Clas Ohlson 5/23/24
Cragg Tony 4a/10/14
Daniel (Pies) 6a/33
Dannero (trav) 30
Designer/Grafik Designer 34
Disco, the last days of 7/13/16/21/24
Emma 24
Erik (Berggren) 22
Faltbakken Matthias 2
Fanny 2a
Fastlagsbulle 32
Feminism 8/25
Fessel Ronny 26
Födelsedag 23
Frankonia 10
Frauenfußballplatz 1a/25
Gabriella Wessman 28
Giti (Nourbakhsch) 1a
Göta Svenson 5a
Helena 6a/13
Hildesheim 1a/6a/27/17
Hollaender Pål 2a/15
Holmsund 8/14/16/26/27
Hovvård 28
Hügel Prof. Dr. 7
Ica-Maxi 8
IKEA-Payback 34
Ingela (Johansson) 25/32
Interessen Klubben 23
Istrav 34
Jan (Verwoert) 4a/6a/8a/1/25/33/34
Jan-Åke (Janne) 5a/16/33
Johan Äjiä 6a/9a/5/6/18/21/22/23/24
Jonas 19
Judith Schwarzbart 34
Kalmar Stephan 2a/22
Katharina (Schlieben) 6a
Kirkeby 5a
Konditoriet, Nya 4a/5a
Kopiercode 34
Krankenwagen 30
Kunstverein München 22/34
Kvinnordag 32
Liam Gillick 8a
Lisa (Harlev) 1
Lothar Mathäus
Lucile 1a
Ludwig (Fredriksson)
Ludwig (Franzèn)
Lüpertz Markus 17
Malersaal 14/17/23
Magni 13/18/19
Maria 1a/2a/4a/6a/14/21/31/32/34
Marie 19/20/21/23/24/25/32
Martin (Formgren) 13
Matador 32
Mats Bergquist 30
Melodifestivalen 33
Michael (Thomas) 6a/27
Mike (Bird-) 17
Mike (Computer-) 26
Moa Kristensen 30
Neusiedler See 8a/16
Nina (4år) 10/28
Norman 2/18
Norrlands Guld 4a/5a/1/12
Nuclear Power (Ukraine) 1
Nürnberg 1a/34
Nutmeg 23
Obola 26
OS (Olympische Spiele) 32
Osama Bin Laden 7a
Pacemaker 1a - 34
Papst 22/25
Porsche 7/28
Pritt-Marie 30
Probiotik 4a
Reflectorporr 18
Reichsparteitagsgelände 34
Robert Djärv 2/5a
Robert Stawinski 33
Roland (Spolander) 4/13/17/23/26/27/30/32
Salustrand 30
Samantha Fox 12/13/17/22
Sandslån 30
SAS 4a/4
Sauna 12/14/15
Schweden 34
Scientology 30/33
Semlar 34
Sheila 27
Silke (Otto-Knapp) 6a
Simon (Frisch) 6a/24
Skelleftea (= Ana Lena Lundmark) 6a/3/6/9/10/13/18/21/22/23/24/32/34
Skiing/Skidoor 1a/1/2/3/12/14/16/19/21/22/23/34
Sonja 1a
Sönke (Gau) 6a
Sören (Grammel) 6a/1/22
Spaa 15
Sportsbaren 12/13/17/18/20/23/26/27
Systembolaget 1a/7a/8a/2/5/9
Trav 28/9a
Trümmerbericht 22
Tryggve(r) 2a/5a/34
T-shirt 13/15/19/20/25
Tsunami 16/24
Turkish (sofa) 22
Umåker 32/33
Unisextoiletter 25
Ulla 5a/16/23
Vasaloppet 15
Verkligheten 15
Videofestival/Videoarkiv 1a/12/13/14/15/19/20
Wasa-Revenge 2
Wallin Magnus 26/33/34
Werkleitz 6a
Volvo 9a/6a
Vietta-Methode 34
Zipfer 2a
Zlatan Ibraminowitsch 30
(1a -9a published November 2004)
(1a)Sverige Posten 1/11/04
(heisst schwierige Nachricht auf Schwedisch)
Im Flugzeug gibt es nichts zu essen und – heute Kaffee frei – das bei Flugpreisen wie nach New York. Ein Sandwich kostet 4€ = 40SEK. Also umrechnen kann ich. Außerdem schon toll gespart statt 17SEK für 100g Marabou Schokolade 25SEK fuer 2 Tafeln bezahlt. 0,5 Liter Tschechisches Bier kostet 14,90SEK. Die Milch 10,90SEK. Also alles wie bei Karstadt oder gleich im KADEWE. Das wäre ein Paradies für Sonja.// Wolke Ankunft 2° Celsius draussen ist es deutlich kälter aber drin läuft man in der Unterhose rum.// Supie meine Nachttischuhr hat ein Cassettenfach. Die Schwedisch Cassette rein und ich schlafe sofort.// ICA Did probiotik arrived already in Scandinavia?// Volvo habe ich keine gesehen aber ein 500SLK steht vor der Tür// IKEA Der Schönwald-Tick (Tasse umdrehen)// Also Leute was soll ich denn jetzt machen gestern hat mich eine email erreicht, daß das Videofestival ”I do not know Van der Keukeren”, ein voller Erfolg ist und deswegen jetzt auch im Bildmuseet Umeå zu sehen ist. Meine Videolecture kann ich mir schenken. Aber was wollt ihr dann?// ALL TIPS ARE VERY WELCOME was heisst nur wieder ”tips”? Ich kenne nur TGFOP bei Tee.// WAS ich bei meinem abendlichen Versorgungsgang gesehen habe, stimmt mich zuversichtlich dass Umeå das nächste Hildesheim werden könnte (mal so stehen lassen)// Im Urlaub nie sprachlos – mit Langenscheidts Sprachführern// Mitsubishi Im Fernsehen schneit es schon den Abend// TWININGS EARL GREY TEA// (V) VANDALIA(Tasche)// Skiing Area entdeckt: direkt an der Stadt hinter dem Bildmuseet gelegen. Aber ob man da so rasend fährt wie im Symbol, ist zu bezweifeln. Ich sehe keinen Berg von hier.(4km)// Minigolf fällt im Winter leider aus// Wo ist denn der Frauenfußballplatz und wie sieht das Zeichen dafür aus, vielleicht drei Bälle; auf Deutschen Karten ist das das Zeichen für einen verlassenen Ort oder wenn sie ausgemalt sind für Grabhügel. Ich möchte den Kunstrasen streicheln.// FQA: Ich bin froh dass ich euch nicht unterrichten muss // Systembolaget = Alkoholgeschäft// Programmen: söndag(sönda) Wie weit kommt man mit einem Mietwagen und wieder zurück mit einer Tankfüllung. Ich hoffe es ist ein Porsche und kein Japaner.// Bitte lassen sie nach dem Topfkauf nicht das Scanettikett auf der Unterseite kleben – das ist gefährlich.// 7 300150 341972// Was soll das sein? DNS in einer Zelle, aber auf einer Landkarte?// Dosierungsanleitung: mjukt 3-5kg 44/ mehr als 5kg 66/ Medel hart 66/88 hart 88ml/110 Mitbringsel//Hier liegen auch Weltkarten als Schreibtischunterlagen aus. Da ist Umeå drauf aber von Nürnberg (5 x so gross) ist nichts zu sehen. (Umeåzentrismus s.g.)// Haben sie hier eine Sommerzeit und jetzt keine Zeit?// Gerade kommt Maria mit einem Jumbo-Jet über die Stadt eingeflogen. (21.55)// Besorgen sie sich eine schwedische ARIEL-Packung, dann wissen sie wo Umeå liegt.// Lucile should open a gallery, she looked so uninterested in the last riecher issue as Giti in my pages at the ”Cheap Campaign”: Go for it!// und gruene Stifte: helfen nichts wenn man im Copy-fanzine-Bereich arbeitet, da bleibt nichts.// eins ist sicher: die von Langenscheidt sind supergescheidt und sitzen sicher in der Rechtschreibkonferenz aber was Schwedisch auf schwedisch heisst sagen sie einem nicht.//
!!! 24h accsess to your working place !!! means: Sleeping ist working//”Zipfer”: On our way back home we did a short stop at a kiosk. There you could buy Austrian beer by ”Zipfer”. It`s hard to get in Germany. But there.//JACOBS//Luckily we have no crazy people in Germany, we thought, when listening to stories happened in Gothenburg flats, where people get photografed by landlords while sleeping.//IKEAsearch//index: cafèer: Kaffee Björksta, Starz Coffee&Food, Kopp Coffee Shop, Åhlens Cafe, Kaffe Station//In one point Stephan Kalmar is a good Direto Director following Maria to Munich. He is on Atkinson Diet and eats only meat. Maria ate only sausages with Mineralwater instead of Beer//”Rex”: red carrots with tomato risotto, pepper and salad. Comes in two versions: for female: everything on top of the rice. for male: risotto seperated from the rest.//Handukstork//Fanny: all the stealing in the country is concentrated on bikes. They would never take the whole, but all the things they can remove. Schwedisch style//hjälp! To find solutions that allows to do what you want//märklin trygver//Dental Scienes Programmes – vad kunna Umeå?//In the 9th floor Dental-Cafe with a view over the whole town. on the ground floor is a chemist and a bank//Pål Hollaender @ white cube (Opera) The screening of that Kabul documentary lasted 58 min and was called Untide ”United States of Afghanistan”. At the end I was lucky not to say that I like to sit for an hour in a cinema like space and watch TV, because Maria was really angry about the film. When we then started with our tour in the country side I tried to look out of the window instead of listening the backseat discussion.//Alltimesigurd: I`m teaching you!//Luftsjuka (luftschue:ka)”Landa, är du snäll!”//merken heisst märka, das ist zu merken/LERNA!//Reminder: Studio is in the german language strongly connected to TV&Radio buisness. *** new rule: everybody has to make *** one studio visit at Alltimesigurd//Köpenhagen at Kont//Vilda fåglar gör vårt landskap levande//Starobrno – An das Original kommt es nicht ran dazu fehlt der Malz, aber zumindest warm werden lassen. It`s not competitive with STAROPRAMEN. But let it become warm, that helps ICA 14,90SEK 0,5/ M-F 8-22 L-S 9-22 trainstation//
(3a)Jag vill till/ 3
Avdelning avdelningschef adress anmäla kontaktperson utgång underätta möte konferensrum kontor tolk skrivare ingång mottagning generalagentur företagsledare företagsledning hall//rrrrrumorringggg//Head professor accused for running along the river. Revealing videotape was found at a students studio, who tried to make some money out of it.//Smoking area – the casting workshop(”Auschwitz”)//internationell (panna) Club havanna Ghandi Thai Eurasia Gretas Aschanska villan Great Eastern/check detailed recommendation in the next issue//advice: Do not run around in your panties without signing it as an artwork, please.//What should you do with your growing intelligence(today)//Ma ikke tildekkes//Naturreservat Strombäck Kont: after a 30min ride we arrive at a parking place in the woods. After a short walk we come to the coast. People already sitting around fire places. The stones are slippery. We got sandwiches, beer, coffee and cake. Then we were cold and went back to our Opel Van. How you survive//Informationsmaterial heisst informationsmaterial (informaschuns-materia:l)//Theatercafèet: At the entrance you pay to leave your jacket, Elin did. The sitting is very comfortable. You got immediately some tap water on the table. Then the dish was complicated. The dishes themselves as well. But the soup was great next to goat cheese between slides of toast. The fish came on smashed potatoes spiced with little gambas. As a desert a beautiful plate with one cup of lakritzchocolatemixture and some really fruity mango ice. The espresso I don`t know. The white table wine probably Bordeaux soft structured with mild density. At the end the light is turned on.//letter from readers: You should do an internship at a media organisation.(send in by Carrey Old) Red.: Sorry the media organisation should do an internship at us//Next to ”the Economist” the newspaper you are just holding in your hand is the only one not naming the author of each text. Why?//VÄLKOMMEN TILL UMEÅ UNIVERSITET//Schwedish Part 2: going late to bed, I decided to improve my language abilities. As usual I felt immediately asleep. At 3.33 am a big noise woke me up. The cassette just finished. Tak!//skiing area pukelpiste//Bimbo is in German a bad word for black people. Here it means: Having blond hair, wearing short skirt and high heels. Now is new that there`s a bunch of confessing bimbos around, what means the meta level has reached the blond human being thirty years late.//Next week: I have to do a trip to South Sweden to get some olive oil at ALDI//
(4a)Andra halt väglag/4
SAS//the life-west report: For all who are not watching anymore the security instructions before going on air. There is a new service. If the life west is getting wet a small light on the right shoulder starts to blink//högflyga Umeå – During (?) time a loud noise appears several times on the opposite strand when the planes are arriving oder are about to start. Are the planes louder than normal, or is Umeå so silent or is the airport simply close to the City? fråga, frågan, frågor//Project-Eld//Nya Konditoriet: very good mandeltorta and a absolut drinkable cappuccino for 64SEK//c/o Elin Wikström: ”I`m very happy that I found somebody whose committement to exhibitions is bigger than my. It feels really good, being not the last stupid being.” dpa (7/11/04)//the microwave chaining programm, started when some Germans found out, that they were standing at the Umeå Universitet without fixing. They started to export them into D.//Monday 9.OO am Staff meeting: Could somebody pick me up at the appartement and carry me to the table where (we) will meet. Tak tak.//Guld till alla/Norrlands GULD//meddelande 4 original lecture drawing(s) made at a presentation at umeå Kunsthogskolan/DIN A1/80g/2004/ca. 20 000 SEK/namn Maria Lind telefon 00491738844213 datum 11/04 Endast privata annonser är tillåtna ICA//line of thoughts/Tony Cragg//Please do not water the artificial plants//Wedding-möjlighet you sit as a single person between two couples. You sit next to one person the whole night. You meet somebody to marry at the next wedding//Do you want to rent the space?//VFL Wolfsburg – 1.FC Nürnberg 0:4//Kall Kopp Tea/ Pour cold water over one Green-Tea-Bag. By this treatment totally different ingredient(s) come out (of) the tea bag.//! Probiotik arrived: The first sendingof Danone Probiotisch arrived at the Supermarket ICA. A set of 4x60m kosts 1,87 SEK. At the shelf they got a swedish product for a similar price. Try it once a day at least for a week.//första elg: Paprika-Brokoli with Italian herbs, medium elg entrecote in honey-cream sauce *** Norrlands GULD 3,5 *** Norsk Mesost med getmjölk *** Espresso & sliced Brejk//Jan`s choice LOVE´S BODY-NORMAN O.BROWN//Appartement libery libary when you let (the) book open itself page No. 134 turns up:”The penis is the head of the body. Every organisation has a head.”(Kantorowicz.”The King`s two Bodies”)//
(5a) (NO.5) Mjölk = mjölk; mellanfil = Mellanfil/NORRMEJERIER
God morron: Let`s start with Auschwitz and tomorrow we try Pornografy. The day after we make a minderhetgen skoj. But then we are through with things you are not supposed to do in front of guests from abroad. Det är okej!//Better stop smoking//in tillsammans arbete med kunsthogskolan bibliothek: EN DIND DING VÄRLD No 96//Lost and found departement//The Philosopher is a phenomena you cannot get hold of it.//At the Busstation we found another puplic artwork by the danish artist Per Kirkeby. It`s a framed monotype from 1988. The Välkommen skulptur in front of the trainstation is not signed but made out of thousands cutted glace glas pieces.//Välkommen åter//Improvement: During an one hour staff meeting I`m now able to understand nearly 37 words. The half of it is the same as in German. Gratulera Bernt!//We are serving the Ekström Breakfast. But you have to bring your own mum to been feeded.//How do you feel: I feel like a Polish commuter coming to Germany. Why do you feel: Here are so good possibilities, much better than at home: What do can you do: I would say Committment.//Please make your project adaptable for the technical equipement or try the coffee machine next door.//NYA konditoriet Umeå: Göteborgs Chokodig/Digestive med mjölkchokolad feels very british especially with a tea ceremony//Preperation instructions: 70°c+/ 3-4 MINUTES/Special recommendation Use the cup at least for one week with out cleaning. Rinse only with water.//SE Kontrollnummer se undersidan EEG//DANI//pictures of the staff found in the catalogue KONSTHÖGSKOLAN 2000/2001 still on board: Wikstrœm Elin Fredrikson Christopher Lundberg Tryggve Svenson Göta Spolander Roland Djärv Robert Grönberg Bernt Löfgren Jan-Åke Sandström Britt Marie Sjörgen Ulla//fel riktning//reflectioning theory: I am you//How far you have to be in the nature to say ”hej” to everybody. Is one tree enough?//En förpackning från Tetra Pak//Please check our webpage for all the ingredients or Konsumenten Kontakt tel nr 0771-876770//
(6a)The Golden Existence Sverige Posten 11/2004 6 5 6 No.
WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fill in, cut out and send it to Bernd Krauß sticked to a postcard!//NYHET//Questionmark: (måndag) What is the difference between the staff meeting at 9am and the meeting in the bibliotheka at 10 o`clock ? Answer: the table clothes and both Berntds are not at the second conference!//4th year – problems at the metal workshop//Hockeykväll:Since I know Skellefteå is on the first place of the Prime Division, I would love to see a game there, but is Ana Lena into it?//Bieannels: Maria Lind comments on that: Any change of that structure might be helpful. Ok! Werkleitz, go back to your roots, climb on the roofs and burn down fires there. Tak för hjelping mig!//3rd year When Helena found the first dot in her face she started to overpaint her dot painting she did in the last three months.//Backround history: When we went to an exchange programme at Bath College of Higher education during the winter term 94/95 we were not accepted as students at the fine arts departement. So we couldn`t get a studio space. Each of us reacted differently. Silke moved to london. Daniel did after Christmas. Michael was into car boot sales and took some classes at the cultural studies departement. I went on working at our semi-detached house in Homeleapark west/Great Britain. Meanwhile Jan was doing an internship at the secretary of the UCI/London with much better success.//ELI – Did some body try to write Elin Wikstrœm a love letter or what does the letters mean opposite of her kitchen scratched in a garage`s wall.//(”among the most important educational institutions …”)://Hjälp! If this is true – all members of staff, please leave the kunsthogskolan now!(or take at least a sabbatical year off) third möjlighet: ask Johan for a lovyrke at VOLVO in Gotenburg7/Katharina, Sönke, Sören, Jan, Michael, Daniel, Bernd, Silke, Simon (so called Hildesheim Pack)//2nd floor Hildes hem Tower/1.floor centeroffice/staircase/Basement//KOCKENSvartpeppar Malen; 2.Hjälp! Go to the supermarket i.e. ”Hemkopp” and buy Pepper as a whole. It helps becoming a better society//
(7a)Hej Dukater – Färdig gröt på3 minuter 11/2004/no.7
What happend to the social democray? The same what happened to the party: nothing//I don`t know what SALT means, but it`s for sure not salt as in english or Salz in German. If you put one spoon of it in the pasta vatten it doesn`t taste at all!/salt med jod//SE UPP! This issue was not read by the publishing comittee before being handed out! (E.W.)//winter fontaine//others about us: Before I met you I didn`t know what artistic energy was. we about others: I think it`s a great comittement to let me comitte to you.//Swedish course 3: we got it. During a lunch nap we put in the language cassette. So if it stops we wake up and go back to work.//Bordklocka//Berni – tysk landskapsbyra: Please write your name on the cup and use one for each term, please. Otherwise we are forced to introduce the Grüne Gelbe Punktsystem.//Do you believe in creativity? O yes O no O others// Ö besök: Sent to Bölesholmarna och Grytan I probably met Osama Bin Laden. First stretching on top of the bridge via Kanalen and then following me. Later Ifound him standing on * strand trying to get rid of his arms. *the//Zebra-news: Sweden just won the INNOVATION-DESIGN AWARD for their fortgängare övergå with a gap for cykel och handikäppt manniska.//Bimbo CD-System wears/a bright yellow shirt under black headphones.//intressera//Tegskyrkan†//69SEK Verdicchio di Castelli di Jesi Garofoli 0,75 12% ITALIA Systembolaget: the first sip was a bit thin. But with growing temperatureit is a thoroughly drinkable wine. Strictly dry with lemon and citrus excerpts. Fits to fish and pasta with creame sauce. (one of three bottles)//How to make money easily -Make things you can repair only -Send people abroad and care about their money transfer//Stadsliden/Gamliahallen/Bildmuseet SM 3,7km: Perfect running courseduring day and night. Especially for shy teachers not wanting to face students during their sparetime or being seen with pink head. Please be aware of nowaday sports&fashion industry: It looks good from the first day you start a new buisness.//Vad kan göra här?//Fråga på stan…: Kan du rekommendera un hotel, Claire? Claire:”Umeå Comfort” Kan du rekommendera un hotel, Carin? Carin: ”Roya(l)” brå frukost//7 310511 219307//
(8a)Nummer otta:
God morron ≈ god afton ≈ switch on the lights ≈ go back to bed ≈ är du snell//jag rekommendirar:ZETA Fernando di Luca; Oliver med Citron; ne Hovigt 350gr.//Twinnings CHERRY Drinking one cup of thea reminds me in a second to our family vacations at the Neusiedler See/Austria, where we went in the summers 1985, 1986 and 1991, when I just finished my first year at university. So my advice is the following: One sort of liquid to each holiday resort makes memory easy. Any suggestions for Umeå?//FALCON Beer kan ma drinka här. fatöl-Fassbier; folköl-bier bis 3,5%; lättöl-Leichtbier bis 2,25%; ljust-helles; mellanöl-Bier bis 4,5%; mörkt-dunkles; starköl-Bier bis 5,6%//the daily quoting Quote: (anders krüger:”let`s do it all differently” in ”departure” graduating 2000) ”The Swedish artist Elin Wikstrœm writes somewhere that life may possibly be meaningless, but certainly it is not without context(…) Oh sorry the last word is content not context, whoops! //Sista meddelande i den takt Liam Gillick is angry with the Goldsmith`s College because they refused to change their name into Ly&Gimick School (reports M. from L.)/for quoting please contact 0049 30 29449829//life means nothing but nothing means a lot//Umeå 9,11,2004 Dear Jan, please do not leave your copies of literature in Kunsthogskolans appartement, especially such with titles like that: ”DIFFERENC AND PATHOLOGY” This could offend really sensitive people as I am.Tak. P.S.: Do not either highlight sentences with yellow marker: ”The relationship between the sexuality of the black woman and that of the white woman enters a new dimension when the scientific discourse concerning the nature of black female sexuality is examined.”//THAT`S WHAT I NEED//ok. Generally it is not fair comparing wine without and with oak trea treatment. But in this case it`s a unique mixture of both. The basement of a cuveè made from Syrah, Cabernet and Cabernet Sauvignon is a reat Vin de Pay charactere. And as an additional layer without striking the bottom you`ve got that strict and not to(o) strong oak taste. / ***** /64Sek France Rabrega rouge 2003 750ml 12,5% r Systembolaget//typisk olycka: what happened to you? Oh I was kissed by a swedish woman who is more into hugging each other//Göteborgs KEX//Televerket respons//Stay what you ar: the Information -Freak or –Monster//Det hjälpas Creme visage quotidienne A L`HUILE d`OLIVE du Chateau d`Estoublon DAILY FACE CREAM with Olive Oil from Chateau d`Estoublon A.O.C. Vallèe des Baux de Provence L´OCCITANE EN PROVENCE//
(9a)104,2 umeå/Picnic –TIPS FRÅN UMEÅ FRITID –
One question to the Swedish News on TV. Did they just start with it or is it going down. And another joboffer seems to becoming the justice court drawing men. At least for that I will apply or you could after graduating from here. (the Swedish Showering System is great, so I`ll come back on a regular base)//2(SVT)//This is the wine we did recommend last issue. Please be aware does that it not keeps its quality over night.//The first time I was to Sweden was just after finishing school in 1988. We drove with a Golf Diesel up to the North Cap following the E4(al)on(g) the Swedish Coast. We must have passed by Umeå, but I`ve got no memory about it. There is a box of slides I have to check when I`am home for Christmas. In generally it was an ackward situation, on one hand beeing finally free but on the other side not knowing what to do. Basically we were sitting the whole day driving the car. We ended up once next to the street and a farmer helped us. Besides that it was a bit stressfull knowing this is supposed to being lucking but forcing that I felt nothing. What I loved most was cooking with the TRANGIA™, that I bought just after entering Sweden in Helsingör or –borg?//Å// var vänlig ta med sop påsen och lägg den i sopt unnan utanför huset, när du lämnar lägenheten Tack//Happy Texas/SVT 1 10/11/04 it`s movie time at Swedish TV//CLARIOL LASTING COLOR BY LOVING CARE Rich Natural-Looking Colour That Completly Covers Grey/725 Medium Golden Blonde/New Look/Same Great Shade As Always//who else tried to become one of the confessing Bimbos – is it really the right blonde for it?//probably a Playstation – No it`s my animated skulptur/Studiovisit at Johan`s//objet trouvè: Presentcheck/04626/värde etthundra/Kronor 100,- /Gäller tom: 050401/Sign M/Plats för stämpel: Hemglass FSG AR Sundsvall/HEMGLASS Ett festligt avbrott//Umeleden: The first plan was to visit Umedalen Skulptur so I decided to walk along the rivers left side. Because Britt-Marie was very astonished that I wanted to go there by foot – she offered me a taxi voucher – I expected 10kms to walk. All the plans next to the way didn`t show one piece of Umedalen, so I went on and on and on passing Backenkyrkan, arboretum Norr and reached finally Notvarsbron. From there I could see the stones of Baggböle rapids. I crossed the hanging bridge and came to Umeå Energi centrum the old power station from 1899. There was an metal Timmerbana, in what you can walk down. Via Klabbole i reached the Road back to town, where suddenly a travdriver appeared in the forest. I was standing there for while and watching them passing by. Then I went home along the Volvo factory.// Lay down & stretch out up to 25 min on a wooden floor//Internet
(1 – 30 published Jan – Jun 2005)
NORRMEIERIER har du frågor eller synpunkter? Vällkommen till Norrmeierier Forum Mariehemsvägen 10, 90652//FUKT JOGURT JORDGUBB endast 10.5% How I am supposed to pur out jogurt without a disaster//Dear Customer, due to heavy technical problem [kalla på service – kode HD402] the following issue could not been published in time//Through a reassured fountain the publishing committee was informed, that Mr. Verwoert and Dr. S. Grammel were using the jaccussi at the ”Royal Hotel”. Afterwards they got in touch with the room service as well. But Lisa does not know what they are into by doing this.//Only woman in that compartement, please//Deutscheck: Mitbringsel Bratwurstgehäck//Prova/Prov Norrland Guld, Falcon Pilz//vecka börja efter en klocka måndag//Fjällräven AB-Sidebar/Fjällräven Index Herbst/Winter Frühling/Sommer G-1000© suchen Körpergrössen//idrottsanmärkning: the snow conditions at Umeå Ski Circus are more or less poor. Nearly the whole hill is frozen under a thin new snow cover. Only one down hill track is open. The crosscountry slopes seemed to be fair.//Crying in front of the color TV ”music for George” (Royal Albert Hall/2002) (SVT) 1//Good News for all of us. Unmade beds are healthy! why: The liquid can come out of the matresse and so the little animals (up to 1500 in a prepared bed) die in the dry athmosphere. You better go home now!//cup of the day: arlbo//Swedish Style: in the case you are quitting ajob and your chief wants to do you a favour let him bring you to the airport and carrying the heavy boxes. For the Good bye you give him a huge bag with old clothes and ask him to bring it to the GAMMAL SAMMLIN. Tak tak!//1 of 1 05.12.2004 22:49//The King&the Rose of Umeå [from Appartement Gallery) Storgatan 2nd floor -//TV-Problems How does the content of a television serie changes if the broadcasting (time) switched from 10pm to 2pm? Ally McBeal @ (Channel) 4 Söndag//left overs:Lipton EARL GREY TEA Delishes scented with Bergamot//misstag,-et Seeing all the well lighted houses I thought Sweden is into waterpowered energy and so there is no reason for saving it. But now I spoke to the Projectleader of a windpower company in Umeå, owned by two Germans one is from Frankonia and he was telling 50% is nuclearpower partially imported from Ukrainia. By the way it`s faktum that Germany just overtook Japan in the solarindustrie and is the world leader in Windpower thanks to the Green Party.//
Perfect place: Just before you cross Östra Kyrkagatan there is a shop on Kungsgatan where you can buy all kind of sports equipement. It ranges from tiny skies for the kids up to huge cross countryskies. Bicycles are available, scating boots and one home trainer (only 100kr). a recommendation by Robert//Svenska kök: Prepare a pan with ananas slices and cut lemon and/or Limetten circles and put chili and fresh smashed pepper over all. You can add small pieces of lemon skin. Heat it up to 150°C for 11 minutes. Serve it with pure Vanilla icecream next to Schnaps(Haland)//in the case of tooth aching: go to the tourist office and ask for the next dentist. Go to the given adress and walk ten minutes in front of the house. You will see it helps imiedetely.
-------immiadetly---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------immediately-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//paper issue: Why is the ”newsletter”(KV München) printed on such thin paper? I think it`s the perfect lecture for long toilett sittings. And after you have finished you can use it a second time!//forsöka: Kelda FISK-SKALDJURSSOPPA FETTHALT 5%//this is an A4 announcement: to whom it may concern: B. Krauss is during the next weeks behind the Bildmuseet practising cross country skiing (10.30-2pm)//by Norman (Grafik)//Norman is the first one, who tried to speak german with me. His introduction into the meaning of ”Ma” he gave nethertheless in English. You`re welcome//Stupid idea to close a museum for rehanging and close the cafe aswell. It would be a perfect training-after place ***//ZETA Fernando di Luca OLIVER med CITRON 350g//This wine comes from up north Italy vine yards around Trentino. The Teroldego grape has a compact taste with a fruity backround. One day after opening it developes hints of character. Absolutely drinkable. Mezza Corona 2002 Teroldego Rotaliano DOC 75cl 12,5% Systembolaget//Berndt medan arbete//wasa-revenge when Matthias Faltbakken took part at ”totally motivated” at the kunstverein München in spring 2003 he installed signs the Nazi regime used for the ”Entartete Kunst”-Show: bezahlt von den Steuergeldern des deutschen Volkes [payed by the German taxpayers]. So, I promised coming to Sweden that I make a big figure with Wasa-Knäckebrot.//
(3)Kör sakta
Please ask for advertisement – it could be yours//In General there seems to be a mapping problem! On Sunday we met Elin on her way back to Bildmuseet to measure the exhibition size. At Galleri 60 the student in care was searching for a plan of the space as well.//Travel Quiz where is it and what is where the blue needle is pinned? Marieberg Långholmen riddarholmen Skeppsholmen 260 City Reimersholme Liljehomen Nyboda 73 Arstå Södermalm Fischer Fischer what else can you do with your skies. Stand next to the track and make ”Winky-Winky” to everyone who passes by.//Special offer: from today on there is a training bike available at the ”What happened to social democracy”-flat (3rd floor). But only for the combined use with television or videorecorder, what is available there.//Homemovie Ulrich Seidel 2002 Hundsdagar you`re right that`s not supposed to be a feminist film but at the end a guy called ”Lucky” finds his own way of feminism and fights back again evil man by forcing his wife to punish him for all what he did to her. At the end she is again in love with him.//dag tre 27Jan This was my first day off track. From the top of Stadsliden I went down to Mariehem, crossed more than one housing area and reached the Nyadalensjön. It took me approximately 40min to cross the sea in its length.//You can do two things at the same time reminder//There is always some German left in anyone: Wo geht es bitte hier zur Langwallstraße Ana Lena//both projects are part of”Beach2005”//Angel-Television unknown programm/Tue(s)day afternoon A 12 year aged boy got by his died father the Possibility to change everythings he wants. After he has changed his mother, the teacher and a friend, he wanted to have pupic hair. So the next time he went to the toilet with his friend, that did a great impression.//SPORTLUNCH is supossed to be a Kitkat substitution but a not very convincing one. It`s to big to bite and anyway to(o) long to put it in apocket of your jacket. Stay where you are!//reginal nyheter/Mass start 30km herrar fristil SM-Skidor 2005 3. J.Högberg IK Umeå 4. Brink IK Umeå//
(4)Frukost at 12.30_________________
In the case your way to school is shorter than 8km (one way) on bike you should fill up your body account. 20km a day keeps creativity away! 148km//0,01% fat coupon//God morron!//-1/4 vatten -2cups havre gryn boil water first add havre gryn cook it serve with cold milk and sugar//Powercontroll Do you want to wright letters to the editors, than we should find so fast as possible a letter box for you.//Bernd Progress//Improvements since I stopped exspecting not dry meat at restaurants and other places I enjoy myself much more than before//CENTER rekommendera Wiener melange 5,- (five cups)//Högskolans menu i dag Rödbetssallad (Hemköp) 4x Wasa and Rooibush-Tea cold//Tek: At TEKFIGHTSPORT-CLUB”Boing” you can enroll for a Kung-Fu-course given by a former World-Champion and a PHD student of Roland//Smoking area at ”Lottas” Umeå after fire//Holiday – Confessions Bernt was 1990 with his sister and her husband at the Mosel. He stayed at Cochem and was impressed by the deep valley and especially by the Nurburgring race course.//SVT 1 SVERIGE 13:15:31 I didn`t want to see a birth, but (k)now I did thanks to Swedish TV4 and Richard Gere. Tak mycket bra trevligt//HEMKÖP 3,5% PRIPPS Julöl God jul Extrapris 9,90/God afton//Deutschland berichtet Dritte Klasse für Billigflieger AFP.Oslo Die skandinavische Fluggesellschaft SAS will auf Europa-Strecken eine dritte Klasse einführen. Dabei sollen von Herbst an die Sitzplätze im hinteren Teil der Maschinen als Billigtickets verkauft werden, berichtet die Wirtschaftszeitung ”Dagens Naeringsliv” jetzt unter Berufung auf Planungen der Fluggesellschaft. Der Mittelbereich wird demnach für Passagiere der Economy-Klasse reserviert sein, im vorderen teil befinde sich wie üblich die Buisness-Class. Mit der Einführung einer dritten Klasse wäre die SAS wiederum Vorreiter in der Branche: Schon 1952 hatte sie als erste Gesellschaft der Welt eine preisgünstigere Touristenklasse eingeführt. (da haben die Jungs aber irgendwann den Abflug verpasst)
Die neue Einteilung gelte für alle Flüge in Europa mit Ausnahme von Verbindungen innerhalb Skandinaviens und nach Südeuropa, berichtete die Zeitung aus einem Schreiben von Petter Jansen, dem Präsidenten der norwegischen Konzerntochter SAS Braathens. Nach der jüngsten Marktstudie der Fluggesellschaft gebe es drei Kundengruppen: preissensible Reisende, Passagiere, die auf den Preis sehen, aber auch auf bestimmte Flugzeiten oder –frequenzen Wert legen, sowie Fluggäste, die das ganze Servicespektrum wollten. (sprich: denen alles egal ist) Try to translate the underlined sentences.//
(5)Jag visa fick vad jag gick för/5/PRODUCE OF USA#4025 D`ANJOU
SNÄLLA !!! VÄCK MEJ kl: 11oo JM/fyndart//CLAS OHLSON we are on the save side of the river with this supplier. I`m afraid to anounce that the second hand shop on the other side has shut down for what reason ever. In the case somebody bought one of the two wooden Tim`s from ”Tim & Struppi”, jag avundas!//Cool/cool//Swedish paedagògique Since ”extra” (16oo Sunday (Channel) 4) I am able to understand French, I didn`t know before. That`s quite a success after one week staying in this country//Sorry for that beer! But they are simply not used to work on that lower 3,5% level. They do not take it seriously enough, I guess. I will speak to Prinz Luitpold when I am back home. Kaltenberg das königliche Bier 3,5/dålig öl//testar bil (Johan och mig)//The German University system is a three class society without the second one.//nykter morron//to forget the shit on the right side I had to watch 45 minutes of a documentation about Joni Mitchel. To forget that I decided to have a look in KALLE ANKA & CO [Apoteket hjälpa]//SE7EN = one Staring Brad Pitt Morgan Freeman Kevin Spacey(Channel)4//1625 INDIGIBLÅ TIDSK. IDEALPLUS 7 318081 625542///////////after I switched to the Swedish drinking system I reduced my daily alkohol consumption about ¼. Normally I am simply to lacy to go after hemköp to Systembolaget to buy proper beer. So I keep the 3,5% possibilities.//Göteborgs KEX BRAGO choklad tastes like civil service time in Germany when you are working with elderly people//(Channel)4 jakt tisdag 21//Teven Konstnär//International idrott VFB Stuttgart – 1.FCN 0:2//orden lära sej själv: referatsmässig//Pleasenote: In the last issue ”frukost” we forgot to add that Richard Gere plays the Gynäkologe//
2nd unplanned failure: Where they (=PEAB=) are up to build something as architecture the ”NoSnow”-team had in mind to errect a major reproduction of the ”Berliner Mauer” between Design and Konsthögskolan. Some of the group members are not unhappy about this miss.//aqualine MURARSNÖRE av polyester vit c:a 125 meter 105010/a worth to export product in price and quality!//(Wikström är på toaletten och Lundmark stå i kön till toaletten)Stockholm modern telefornera!//Mottagningstid: After a clear defeat against your brother from Norge (Handboll WM 2005) I offer advice . As a born fan of 1.FCN I am specialized in all traumatic nederlag someone can imagine//(Johan:) I am always tired when I wake up, so I get up early (Bernd☺) tusend tack!//? Råra on page 3: It was a heavy one with post mental trauma//Now I remember why I am not into early morning meetings because my mood arises up to the best level seeing other people tiered and that is not very polite.//six feet under your nose shaving makes sensitive for everything.//Another try tomorrow: Meetings that are finished when coffee and sweets are gone. Especially in the morning it is much easier to understand Swedish, because the tempo is low.//dåligare öl Mariestads bryggeri AB MARIESTADS Special 3,5% Hantwerk och tradition//jag rekommendera cafe creme for everybody who has to go far. The creme on top keeps temperature.//Hjälp! What does it mean when you dream having a byicycle accident and you can not remember it in the dream?//add your ad JAGUAR eye for quality FLORIDA//Now the office has an ordbook svensk-tysk-svensk from 1960 with german words I have never heard. So maybe you can help me with ”blesse”. In Swedish it means ”bläs”.//35.000 böcker i lager… Specialitès: Sköntlitteratur och humaniora. Besök även vår webplats: h:ström Text&Kultur ANTIKVARIAT&BOKHANDEL/Skolg.41 i Umeå 090 145 405 Öppettider Vard. 11-18 Lörd. 11-15//Gåta: If I would have seen that film earlier I would have had started another career.//Literature There are three magazines available for students who want/who are studying abroad at the library: -international student –Trans World –Studying abroad have a closer look in the case you have the need//MATSÅKER FÖRRAPACKNING mo CATERING SANDWICH TONFISKRÖRA BRÖD (mjöl, jäst, salt, emulgeringsmed E471 stabeliseringsmedel E440) Tonfiskkröra, ägg, sallad, lök (majonnäs, emulgeringsmed, rapsolja, senap, äggula, lectin,, skummjölk, stärkelse) svartpeppar. PRIS Kr 28,50 CA VIKT 180g SVERIGE 5474 EEG KYLVARA MAX +8°C SISTA FÖRBRUKNINGSDATUM 03.02.05 350015 814134Kundkontakt 08 720 01 90//
(7)Ögonskydd/veckoslut utlämnade/No.7
Morning duty: get some information what I have seen on telly the evening before.//Sorry but due to language skills neither subtext nor the sublime are existing in this publication.//Hörskydd Winton Marsalis and the Swedish Sänder Orchester National Orchester London 9:45 - 9:57 92,.1FM If I would buy CDs or Music on other media I would go for it and give it away as soon as possible.//diving in syrrum 1//naive: risk something without knowing// Giving names? The most stupid german name is, I guess, ”Rheinhardt”. But the most beautiful girls one is in my opinion Porsche. But nowadays you are not allowed to name your kid as you want.(USA)//My appendix scarf is aching so there is some change to be exspected not only by weather, it can be anything// men fly to Bottox-airport//Spy games TV1 Fri 5th Jan it starts with a normal action introduction and ends with two starting helicopter that are in love with each other. In between robert Redford tries to avoid problems during his last day at work as a CIA-agent. And B(r)ad is been punshed every 11 minutes.//fashion protection Louis Voutton 4000kr//payback on Saturday: The SLK Mercedes driver living under me is getting punished for his door smashing through the week by my listening to the Classic Channel at 10 Volume.//watch out if you have given birth to a pin point pencil or been involved in cloning one. What happens next?//due to the fact that ”Tour de France” starts with/without Lance Armstrong after the Spring Term has finished, we will provide you with a copy of ”Tour de France 2004” as soon as possible.(Training session)//Please note: I have never had or neither have contact to Jörg Buttgereit nor I have/will see/n a movie by. I testify that with the following subscription to all who have visit the ”camera obscura”-program at Umå filmfestival 2004/Umeå 5.2.05/Bernd Krauß//Alles wird gut (Prof.Dr.Hügel) cut it out and post it to your own address!//PRODUCED OF USA FLORIDA When grapefruit was invented a) 1946 b) 1971 c) never//TV onsdag 21.30 SVT1 FILM The last days of disco [2127014] Amerikansk komedi fran 1998. Två unga tjejer är på väg i vuxenlivet. Discoeran håller på att ta slut men än så länge möts de på en av Manhattans hetaste klubbar. I rollerna: Chloe Sevigny, Kate Beckinsale.//Who is distributing: CLAIRE FISHER FÜR SEHR TROCKENE HAUT RINGELBLUMEN CREME NACHTPFLEGE//
(8)Nässlem #4225 TOP
Husholdningstip köpa avocado twå veckan förut//What happened to Music: Bono Vox is running behind Tony Blair and the Scorpions try to get on the (same) photo as Gerhard Schröder. [By the way I found that out through watching them on Television (U2) and listening Richard Claiderman at ”Önskan Konsert”.]//Tid prövning after two week the following consumptions: 2l of milk 500gr Sugar 2x200gr creme fraiche 1kg havre gryn and non specified amount of cakes and chocolate/hittills trevligt bra.//Folketshus, Tonsalen 11/2 kl 19.30 Comet Boy says: girl Inform//Anna original pepparkakor//the Swedish language seems to have be only a german secret code for germans. But I have to find the key.//At breakfest it is good to change sometimes the perspective. Try to sit on the opposite chair. If you are alone at home that should`nt be a problem if not you will probably (cause) major trouble//All orders for Christmass-Cards (personally & individually designed) are from now on mostly welcomed after a general refreshment of our printing (coppartryck) abilities is fullfilled//T-shirt competition: Disco sucks (when do we get back our T-shirts Wikstroem?)//Jag vill vara konstnär/som målar på nätterna/och dricker rödvin/men jag tycker inte om rödvin/Jag vill vara poet/som sitter i parken på sommaren/och skriver/och röker filterlösa cigaretter/men jag tycker inte om filterlösa cigaretter/men helst av allt/vill jag vara bilmekaniker/som går hem och äter middag med min family/klockan sex/och drycker mjölk till maten/men jag kan absolut ingenting om bilar/och jag har ingen family/och jag hatar mjölk//Fågeltorn//Feminism: It`s not a specific Nordic phenomena that men need time after listening to think. Sometimes it helps to write it down.//svensk-tysk tysk-svens: hals/hugga tr enthaupten, köpfen; köpfen 1. tr halshugga, toppa 2. itr. n [-om kål o. d.] knyta sig//Straffkast sverige leden on Sunday I heard the first time ringing church bells. The weather was perfect so we went out for a walk along the river south following the signs. Behind ICA-MAXI the way was frozen but we got used to it and went on for one hour. At our first crossing we passed the sign was missing. We looked around tried all possibilities, but had to ask for the way we (with) the neigbours help we ended up on E12 and walked down to Holmesund. When we arrived the Umeå Bus 124 just stopped and Nobody could resist.//education (hjälp själv) Do not listen to anybody//
(9)Ja, ja/+Ögondusch
After the by former guests stored diverse Havre gryn sortiments are consumpted I`m going for the real: SALTÅ Vete flingor 650 gr Bio DYNAMISK OLDAT//The casual Ceramics course has just started//others he never lived so close to a city center!//Claudia Cardinale tillbaka! ”Sommaren i la Goulette” Filmklubben Tisd. 22:30//AXA supports ”Casual ceramics” Thur 9am Start (Extra: Stacheldrahtzaun)//Östasiatika museet/Made in China//Who said this to whom: The only good thing about you is that your`re from Skelefftea//tonight ”William och Mary” 2000 TV 2 next step: Giving birth under water. Nethertheless this my new favourite serie-programm after I had to leave nip/tuck* what just started at home [*makeover]/onsdag//Nivea//HALVA PRISET PÅ ALL LANGD – OCH ALPINUTRUSTING/HALVA PRISET PÅ VINTERKLÄDER/DRESSAR JACKOR BYXOR MÖSSOR VANTAR/LÄNGDPAKET SKIDA BINDNING PJÄXA Ord pris 1999 Nu 999/LÅNG FÄRDS SKRIDSKO MED BC-BINDNING OCH BC-PJÄXAR För 2499 Nu1749,- Stefan med personal hälsar alla kunder vällkomma SPORTInn//Väder Punk (SVT 1)//SYSTEMBOLAGET tillfälliga nyheter februari it is a very good idea having this wine not in the regular program ”Cers & Marin” Corbieres 2003 60kr. it`s a kind of fruit sauce but not wine!//realtiv esthetik(musikkår) Sorry that I love you but that`s a phase I`m going through//onsdag 9 Feb TV1 21.00 Donnie Darko Drew Barrymoore as teacher and Patrick Swayze as Love against fear lecturer.//23.10 TV1 skadespelarkunst från Tyskland är byggnadskonst//Ta min hand/Den är din/Ta mina armar/Ta mitt ansikte/draget i sten/Nagon vid ljudet/Glöm mitt/En sorts personlighet/Jag vet vad du är gjord av/Jag har tagit det tillfånga//Toalet kan inte förstoar//Back in training After a bad snow condition period the cross country group started in the morning their programm in bright sunshine.//If you are 16 or you have never seen a movie what tries to make you sensitive for – let`s saga – chocolate than try this one tonight: Chocolat (FRI) (zero points)//Drop CD: Jamie Cullum and please never give a video camera to him!//
(10)Ut med tänka/till hem telefonera
Sprechstunde Deutsch Kapitel: same±same: Hecke is only some green stuff along the fence/heck means only the backside of a car or of a ship when you are off-shore (the Swedish ”häck” seems to be more complicated//Screening at Västerbottens museet: Asylseekeren send to Boliden: it`s always quite relaxing to watch what other nations do to their Asylseekeren. I`m not sure how is it at home, but to lett hem sing your national anthym and make them dance around a tree with flower decoration might help. Pers förslag: ”Säg hej till all” 60min//Husman originalet 50 öre från varje såld förpackning i Sverige går till bevarandet av Regalskeppet Vasa. Läs mer på baksidan. Och du snäll: let other people pay your hobbies but not me!//Stop: There is a kind of misinformation around, so we want to stress out it is not Tony Cragg who follows B. Krauss in the ”practise as process”-project. Her name is Carrey Young but she is also british - halva sanningen!//Maybe you have seen the show in 2002 at Bildmuseet something with place and politics. After I closed the catalogue I made a whole and put my head in. After 10 minutes I had got reliefe from pain.//remember me: ANNA-LENA LUNDMARK, född 1669 i Skellefteå.Utbildad vid Konsthögskolan i Umeå 91 -96/Video på Rådhusplanaden 11 och Bildmuseet. Titel: Patetisk rapsodi (merka för senare!) Längd 30 min.1979 En kort hemvideo om suktande och ouppnåliga ideal. En plats för säker fantasi. Med ett trallande som följer mönstret hos populärmusikens refränger och en bild som faller platt på en vaxduk. trallande = trällernd; som = wie; följer = Begleitung; vaxduk = Wachstuch, -decke (ringa Polisen nu!)//TV-Hej,hej ”Livredare” 2315 (TV) 1: The helicopter lands on the island where the housewife of the wunded man has layed out white blankets. The doctor promenera med henne till olycke plats. The husband soured his arm nearly through with the help of his new motorsägar. But we hjälpa dett! Trykplaster//? Chicago New Orleans Bal(t)imore/Sorry ursekta! But what do you want in the states. (Camilla?) Next time you come to Frankonia/Germany and I guide you to the Landscape of Romantik. Instead of drink & drive we will walk & drink. That`s definetly more healthy to all participants/sign here:// Campus Germany Address: Since the launch of the governmental-supported ”Hi Potentials” campaign, finding information on studying in Germany has become a lot easier: The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has set up to cluster all the info you need. Their external links are very good too. The site is as German as it can be: thorough information, excellent technology, terrible design. Butt then, you weren`t going to Germany to study design anyway, were you?//by the was (way): Bauhaus is not only a huge building supplier, it`s a university located in Weimar you can study at.//Before you arrive early you might drive that way (sight seeing plate)//Hoovering yourself//Do you actually think when you are at work? (asks Nina 4år)//vad näst Dancers DONALD HAMILTON FRASER Lavishly illustrated, Dancers presents a unique insight into the world of ballet through Donald Hamilton Fraser`s exquisite drawings. As a gift for the balletomane and as an evocation of the world of ballet, this book is unsurpassed. 280 x 215mm, 80pp, 70 illustrations, including 40 in colour/0 7148 2581 6 9/89 14.95 £//Please note: from now on there`s a shelf available at the resting room (3rd floor)
(11)MIN 11
Last chance abroad Page 21
Hej, do you know that it can cause trouble to your bones when you take Vitamin A supplements. This has shown a BBC production on TV this Monday; also Beta-Carotin can cause cancer as supplement pills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TV är hälsa//Dear Member of Ntdw (Non thinking during work) Please deliver your brain in the morning at the coffeemaschine. In the case you need something during (the day) you you can pick up a bit by ”Wiener Melange”.// I believe in Obs! After we watched ”Possession” from 9am in the mor(n)ing a film by Andrey Zulanwinski shot in Berlin in the 80-ties I went out to Ersboda visiting Intersport, Stadium and of course Obs! After two hours strolling around in that area I bought a pair of indoor football shoes to play Badminton this week. After that I probably use them in the sculpture departement. Ord. Pris 249.00 Extra pris 89.00 730193//STRAMT & NYANSERAT RÖTT VIN 23094 Castello Ugarte Vigna delle Lepri Superiore Riserva 2001, 14% Fattoria Paradiso Italien Sangiovese di Romagna • Röd färg. • Utvecklad doft med inslag av mörka körsbär fat, örter och tobak. • Mycket frisk, aningen kryddig smak med inslag av mörka körsbär, fat, örter och kakao. Användning: Serveras vid 16-18°C till robusta rätter av lamn- eller nötkött. Hållbarhet: Vinner inte på lagring. Druvsort: Sangiovese grosso. Odlingsområde: Sydost om Bologna i regionen Emilia-Romagna. Vingården Lepri ligger i ett kuperat landskap, strax söder om staden Forli. Jordart/jordmån: Huvudsakligen vulkanisk. Lagring: 18 månader på slovenska ekfat, därefter sex månader på franska barriquer. Producent: Fattoria Paradiso ägs av familjen Pezzi. Mario Pezzi skapade vingården Lepri i början av 1970-talet. Övrigt: Sangiovese di Romagna erhöll status som Denominazione di Origine Controllata (DOC) 1967 /plus 6-12 månader in flaska/inköpt antal 14000st Förpackning 750ml Pris/liter 120,- Pris 90:-: nästa försök: bloody hell what else did they do to that wine? But besides that it`s still an uncomplicated wine with some soft tanin in the background and a crispy fruit on the tongue.//nya öknom OK. First try was ”Bernd young”. But that led to the misinterpretation I`m in some way engaged with Carey Young. Now ”tysk Bernd” is going around. But if, I`m Bernd frankisk/Minoritetsverket *there`s a easy difference: Bernd and Bernt so pronounce it simply in the way it is written//Sverige kan är så gynsam 100,-//gruvgas Teil 1 onsdag ”Das Wunder von Lengede”: Did you see ”Tunnelen” about this try making a who hole under the Mauer in Berlin? Now the same skådespelare stucks in ett grav and försoka kommer ut. (2 in ett vecka)// vad passera här? (…) kommer att stärka positionen. Så här beskrivs ------------- i den internationellt ansedda tidningen Sunda Times: ”------------- är en av de mest vackr mänskliga, civilisierade och följaktlige mest överraskande städerna på jorden Som halvdussinet andra ställen har de kallats Nordens Venedig. Den är mer specifik en allvarlig utmanare till titeln Världens Vackraste Huvudstad. Dess geografiska attribut kan matcha Sydney, Vancouver, Rio de Janeiro och San Francisco (ingen huvudstad). -------------- är en viktig internatione//WWW.DE Deutsches Studentenwerk Address: on the pages of ”Deutsches Studentenwerk” you`ll find usefull information on the Studentenwerk organisations which provide low-price service packs comprising accomodation, health insurance and bench fees. Links to local branches in all major German cities. New: in German only. (Who closed down the English site?) I did!//Sluta casual ceramics course/I do not answer that kind of questions//ISHOCKEY ??? What did the three Kronor spelaren do that they have to sit with such a face in front of a press conference.//
+ Berlin Free Studio VISIT VOUCHER//Sportsbaren är tillbaka! After we switch on the Sauna, play for one hour badminton, go into the sauna, switch it off you can find us from 5min after 5pm in the Sportsbar (every Friday) PS: Sorry, next time I have to take off/on my clothes//Lemon squezzer only//21. Spieltag Dortmund-Bochum 1:0(1:0) Freiburg-Hannover 0:0 Bremen-M`gladbach 2:0 (1:0) Schalke-Wolfsburg 3:0 (2:0) K`lautern-Rostock 2:1 (1:0) Hamburg-Stuttgart 2:1 (1:1) Hertha BSC-Nürnberg 2:1 (1:0) Leverkusen-Mainz 05 2:0 (0:0) Bielefeld-FC Bayern 3:1 (1:0)//Sudiovisitvoucher – Puzzle Start and Collect NOW 1/12//Warning At lördag 26th of Feb SAMANTHA FOX ON TOUR is in town at BLÅ tickets 100,- or 80,- in advance at Jakes & Jones See you I`ll be there!//tysk Test 3: read the text below and tell me next time what happened//Gemeinsam stark Deutsche Skirennläufer gewinnen Premiere des Teamwettbewerbes BORMIO (sid)-Zumindest gemeinsam waren sie stark: Mit Gold bei der Premiere des Teamwettbewerbes bescherten sich die bis dahin erfolglosen deutschen Ski-Rennläufer einen versöhnlichen Abschluss bei den alpinen WM in Bormio. Das Sextett des deutschen Skiverbandes (DSV) überrumpelte die höher gewettete Konkurrenz und gewann das erste ”Länderspiel im Schnee” vor Topfavorit Österreich und Frankreich. ”Wir freuen uns alle total, Gold ist der Hammer”, sagte Hilde Gerg, die ihre letzte WM doch noch mit einer Medaille verlassen konnte. Zusammen mit den anderen fünf Teammitgliedern Martina und Andreas Ertel, Florian Eckert (alle Lengries), Monika Bergmann-Schmuderer (Zwiesel) und Felix Neureuther (Partenkirchen) tollte sie wie ein kleines Kind durch den Zielraum. Seite 19//Jag kan inte spura min pacemaker idag!//Kombined Programm Langskiddor/Video since the Videoarkiv: ”We do not know Van der Keukeren” arrived in Bildmuseet/the Cross Country group Watches between Round two and three at least 3 pieces from the Video Collection: We started with number 1 and reached number 3 already.//NORRMEJERIER KYCKLINGFYLLAD Pastarullar//This is not my music: A born East-German woman Arche-Geier-Heilst standing on her West Berlin appartement talking shit as ”I`m more a poesieworker”. But when she started showing her Kalligraphie I felt the toothpaste coming up.//Videoarkiv No 5: Rust/Eichelmann ”DLR” (gähn)//that happened to me: I was on the slope that morning when a man ran in me to ask wether I have seen a dog. I have I said but that was yesterday in front of HEMKÖP. No, not that one he interrupted me. Here in the Stadslidning (Stadsliden) area? So I went on and two meters later I saw two of them hanging on a womans body. So she asked me wether I have seen someone looking for one dog, and she has no time to spend. So I took of my skies and run back with one of the dogs and found luckily the me right man. Tack.//never go to bed without: Norrland Guld//
(13)Vad hete _ _ _ _ _?/ Nummer tretton
It`s getting to hot here. I`m off for a week in Tärnäby//-17°C//Now out!!!!!!!! Another person from Skellefteå//German class 14./March Matthias from Kassel will speak to you. (anothher Lundmark project)//Documentary-Channel When Samantha Fox was on tour last time in Sweden she was touched after singing one song. She punched the person and the concert was over. Let`s hope together!//Radiohär//Okei, de är okey: en gång per veckan tänka//Hur fri är en TV sänder om det måste visa Putin och Berlusconi i förlikning?//T-shirt-competition: Jag är din! (När kan jag hämta min T-shirt efter utställning är slutad över ett år, Wikstrœm?)//Jag plocka också: Blänkarn//lördag 26th 2100 helenaäll: tonight! Thorday 24 Feb 1900 Semrum ”The last days of Disco” This is part of our program for all USA travellers. Experience first movies – and check it out when you are there!!!//Win two free tickets for Samantha Fox/each 3 kronor/here/or 2 for 5/blå 26th lördag the winner will be drawn at Sportsbaren Fri 25th 1900 be there!//In the age of 10 Martin exchanged his mothers foto to one of Samantha over the ceeling of his double floor bed: He lost his innocence and the mother was quite sad.//this (the) first who supported by actually buying a lottery ticket was Roland. Thank you, that was brave.//(all name(s) are changed//thinktank@work bildmuseet//*you can also buy lottery tickets at Storgatan 83/2tr. in the case you are afraid to confess you(r) interest//Makro Kök (Ana) ett glas rödbetar och lasagne pasta: built it up, pur some creme fraiche in and in the oven//Lars Matson- tavla Oljemalning av Lars Matson Breskaforsen 1976. Målningen 42x75, med ram 63x96, 8000,- el högstbjudande, 090-210 54, 070-674 92 91, at:Västerbottens museet//advisory board: Sneak in the side Entrance and using the side staircase is best for the arrival in the early morning hours//ICAGourmet Alltid öppet 8–8 Kittla dina smaklökar i Umeå ledande färskvarubutik! the professors place//next week starts: INTERVIEW//VideoArkiv – Report: ok No 10, No 15, No 16 11, 12, 13, 14, Oliver Ressler is crime//Sportsbaren regel No 5 After fyra öl Du måste inte erinra på måndag!//
Vi är inte ett Peaceforce Fetthalt 3%/Körperheft 15. 14/Kropenpapper 15. 14
Do you feel at all/I like all ingredience besides the lax/The longest week of life after 6 beers/bitte nicht mein Rad unten anfassen/Der deutsche Frühli spürt man hier//please replace the lamp//1//Oralhelp (Konsum) TING TING JAHE SINA Pasuran For Indonesian market only 11,95//Aktas 1000°C casual ceramics//Jetzt geht es los: 565/600/5x0,75 = 3,75; 2m Rest/Malersaal ab 9th of march (Molnatelje)//alkoholfri HEMKÖPP Päroncider//2//The Sauna group member meeting decided not to have any visible membership signs as for example: Chili con carne//Olycka: Crime in the slope//Investment plans - ekonom: I pod mini 46 Macoteket 1820,-/I pod 206 TECHNIK 3965,-/Inwarehouse 4185,-//PEAB Start/Mål [Riverwalk around the Island] Bridge - Tony Cragg mmeets Maria Lind (på åkar skiddor)//Stick it on you switch on nuclear power now//when Britt Marie came tillbacka from her time at home the first thing happened a car from Holmsund crashed in her at the last roundabout (för wilken grund?) //CLIPCREATIVE TEAM//recover: I är stängt idag//*** [10 hours video] Videoarkiv King of the Hill//
(15)Konsument Kontakt/15
Vad vill du ha gjort med häret?
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//listen to the Champion Michael Schuhmacher (TV)4 söndag 13.40//Cooking (Mexiko) In the grey houses on the way up to Gammlia they serve sometimes delicous always delicous Chili con Carne. Bring your own drink and you are welcome. It`s a friend of somebody`s husbands wife. But do not ask too much.//Crazy4poker: First you could see the shadow of the falling snow than later after midnught the smell of wood was transported by humidity into town//Lottery for a free copy of the Samantha Fox Lottery Draw ring 0800 7613 495 (0,12p sec)//Vasalopet When the Sea is frozen between Finland and Sweden a cross country ski race between the two countyies takes place//T-shirt contemplation [E. Wikström] Nearly the half of contributors tries to finish all T-shirt competitions with each idea. I`m not sure wether we reached that point of history nowadays.//Video result Paul Hollaender is not worse than Hitho Steyerl – ”Denn links da hört die Welt auf”//Forumgermanum: Market reasearch - What do you think about sauna on wheels?/Verkligheten heißt jetzt Wirklichkeiten/with the help of Germanwindpower we could run a uranian free Spaa center on top of the school/I never get nacked in public/Kompletpris 15986kr/How we get wet up there/Jag maste gå nu//SALTÅ Kornflingor BioDynamisk//
(16)N. 16/ (Segelflygare)AMF PENSION
Yesterday tisdag 8.30 it felt like summer holidays in eastern Austriche at the Neusiedler See 1995//Today I feel the Kitzsteinhorngletscher in Spring 2001 or the Seiseralm in Südtirol same year two months earlier visiting the family of Christoph Keller from Revolver Verlag. But tomorrow I will have a great idea for a monument ”Tsunamis victims of Holmsund”//TWININGS PRINCE OF WALES//to shop with god: (sax) when I was at University I started a ballett course, but then the Sporthall burned down during the Cristmas holiday and my early dancing sprouts are waiting since. I would like to have a intense training week in April. Is anybody else interested. I could organise a trainer and maybe we could then take part at the performance festival./ o Yes I would like to join a one week ballett class in April 2005 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ //Sonja Rykiel catwalk reklam//staircase aroma: KaffeeKvarn ”Petra” City Konsum 495 kr//Now when I just switched from Eldorado to Tillmans Hallonsylt I can feel that I made this experience about seventeen year ago on my Scandinavia trip just after finishing school//early spring//warning after four days of cross country skiing my trousers starts to fell off my body. If you find it please bring it back to its owner, wearing long Johns.// **** kryddigt & mustigt rott vin Cuvee Sextant 2002 Corbieres//The last days of disco: [fjärde gånga] Do we have a schedule? No this recipe is really fast! (next week we have a look how Chloe Sevigny is doing in Larry Clarks ”Kids”)//Has anyone seen someone running naked around, it is my model/nu jag vet i går var Kvinnodagen Kraftsport festival/Det är inte min skuld/you probably think you are normal as I do//ÅHLENS 55;00 SARAH VIN 45CL before you spent one kronor into the luxury drinking vine in Sweden go for a good glas first//During the today painting ceramic session following smoking results occured Ulla 3; Janne 3; Aldis 2; Elin 3; (you can switch off the ventilation in fact!)//
(17)17/Vitterhetsälskare/ALLTID ÖPPET TILL 23
This is the last chance week in that I can catch up Swedish before Roland exspects me to speak the language on next Monday after being here then for two month//Konststäkning SVT1 2305 Moscow 2005/russia Totmanina/Marinia Total 70.12//Aktas! Yesterday I found out that the project I am in has the title ”production as process” and not ”practise as process” as I thought. So forget everything you have seen in the last two months. I start with a New Haircut//UK News Ken Livingstone, the accidentprove Major of London, remains under intense pressure to apologise for suggesting that a Jewish reporter was acting like a concentration camp guard//Prof. Drink Frozen hallon saft in german juice in sweden FLÄDER FIGS//Västerbottensnyt: with such an frisur you wouldn`t get a job as moderator in German State Television//INTERNATIONELL FOTBOLL Freiburg – 1.FC Nürnberg 2:3 (1:1) 1-0 samuel Koejoe (7); 1-1 Lars Müller (24); 2-1 Zlatan Bajramovic (60); 2-2 Marek Mintal (85); 2-3 Marek Mintal (90). Publik 17 000//Please note since Richard Gere pretends to listening to Miles Davis the world of music has changed/Runaway Bride//Now we you know where this mouth comes from. Julia Roberts put her fingers in each winkle and stretches the lipps to amuse here friends/Runaway Bride//After the Malersaal had opened last Wednesday there`s a taxi service now daily in service. It starts at 10.30 at Storgatan 83 and goes directly to the school main entrance. The evening service works by demand (code: Markus Lüpertz)/For further requieries please contact 100 100//Healthy Friday without Sportsbaren. At 5 o`clock I felt an urgent need for Havanna Hamburgare & Pripps Lager. Starobrno 3,5% helped me out (City Konsum wants to see your ID for buying that)//Måste du tvätt din fot själv också, i så fall jag kan inte hjälp ditt.//since I`m back using the main entrance after standing every day 10 minutes in the sun on the beach I am having a new life.//KöK Gräddfill has 24% less fat than Creme fraiche//Lettre to the editor: M aus L writes: I took part in the Samantha Fox Lottery. But I found out that here concert was cancelled. What happened to the tickets then?//Mike in the sun (Birdmike)//Lettre by the Editor: I heard these tragic news at the Elin Wikstrœm opening on the morning after. After private investigation I found out that the winner gave the tickets to two women who get a refund at the concert place.// förre: The news that I made it to the course at University (Hildesheim) reached me reached me on the Island Kvaloya i Nordnorge in the y-summer 1990//senare I decided not to become a gardener what I never regret up to today//What happened to the refund?//
(18)Histoery/ab 18 (Interview from Magniland)
When I wear a pair of Jeans you know it`s tvättdag i Tyskland//since he found a cheese bag hanging at his door he is able to feel pregnancy på hollandeska//I dag Jag har köpta fel heftklemma i går, så jag måsta försöka wexla det här i det riktig.//OLW//Politeness: When Johan left for a week to Göteborg hel et the radio run for his studio neighbour that she doesn`t feel lonesome.//Fight Club/male extension Could you hold the boxing sack for me that I punsch the sack and the sack punches you. Gratis//Stockholm Magni på Tungan 4th April tongue//Magniland/ : Do you have an answer before I have to invent a question first.
:No because I wasn`t thinking much before.
: Where do you come from
: Warszwa and Örebro
: Oh another one from Normanisland
: No! Liebe und Wahr (magni academia spass/glitz 2005)
: Das ist deutsch!
: Und Barockoboe!
: That you can only study in Bremen, couldn`t you
: Sorry it`s mono
: I have only a Radio.
: We are living in a fucked up world (på Svenska)
: Would you open a horse riding school in Berlin.
: to become sick? My practise is critic and fun.
: Are other students accusing you
: For what?
: Listening to Klezzmer music by Zupfgeigenhansel
: once a year.
: As Germans we used to listen weekly, but I stoped.
: We performed ”die deutsche Sprache” on a tour last summer.
: We came to: Esel, der, die, das
: What`s up next?
: On Friday a could be-concert with Frida Selander on Tuesday I show something at Schmack Kungsgatan 49 7pm and to the ”Open house” will be a two days festival out of window//Try to get your emotions under controll with flavoure black tea//du kan wänta här också//new minimalism on 3rd floor//Apelsin blod or ange Keep it down to the floor to the right temperature//tisdag normalt Absolut famous Almost *** Alive **/Do not remember films and drive/Sportsbaren Regel 17//reflectingporrmovement (discovered by Johan)//Fight back Why do you feel unsafe in Umeå Commune//bok och film tip: ”Crash”//”Maple Drive” 1992 amerikansk drama alternativ to Melodifestivalen.//Installing ”Zone for Revolution” at early morning meetings in the library. (Drawn by Johan, Tape by Lundmark, position BK) //Det Fight Club ”100SEK” (see page one for result)//
(19)19/VITAMIN/The first self pressed orange juice in twelve months
Please note: We did not contribute to the T-shirt competition E.Wikstroehm is organising at the Ski Museum to win, because when I win I do not want to be punished by the price (you can choose a book from the SALE table)[this was written on Sunday 11:54]//LAST CHANCE Videoarkiv i Umeå tisdag 22.3 13 – 1600 bring you//Plexitream//Aktas! Aktas! Näxta veckan jag köpa ett nu perfum med ett bra namn. (”Happy day” eller ”Prost”)//Du måste ge mig 500SEK att jag gå i museum när sol skina i dag!//Joni Mitchell taken away by vision//hur lång måste du wänta: 709//nästa weckan SKIDAG Ons 30 Learn E. Wikstrom to ski for one hour each//unrealised Zensur//Konzert Magnistudios We were sitting in the bar and couldn`t see the musican until Marie introduced us to the surveillance camera monitor. So we followed for a while up to the moment we had to the chance to see the actually playing artist herself. But that was a different concert then something Kellyfamily effekt turned on.//new programm.jpg digital fotografy och computer verwaltning in 13 treppan minolta//+ Röd hjälp//Tung sanering väntar Dortmund: Fotboll. Ekonomisk hårt ansatta bundesliga klubben Borussia Dortmund kommer ett släppa eller sälja minst sex spelare i sommar. Dortmund uppskattar att skuldberget om ett år växt till drygt 1,2 miljarder kronor. Sanieringsarbetet betyder att flera spelare, vars kontrakt går ut i sommar, får lämna klubben. Evanilson, Niclas Jensen, Andre Bergdölmo, Ahmed Madouni och Sunday Oliseh är fyra av dem. TT-AFP//vodafone//i TV Boliden – Documentary again SVT2 lördag 9.30 Knute W. face off//Ich habe mir mit dem Flußkrebs eine blutende Wunde zugezogen, als ich bei ”Rex” Abendessen war ( 3)//there`s a green-white fotball movement in europa with Werder Bremen, Lisboa and Stockholm South (reports Hammarbyfan Jonas)//after Magniland on 18th March I drank I drunk my first half of pure milk//What does it mean: E. Wikström diving dance at Rex Disco//Filmtips: Barfly with Mikey Rourke recommended by Jonas//on way tilbaka till skolan efter badminton Jag var första gånga in a bil med blå windows//
(20)Holla ett Sanningshittebarn/tjugonde
I 19 dage det påsk have bli kommer*//Det bruka av ett behållare kan mindra smärta i det rygg hos tandtwätta//* i ett konsttheoriekostym//the first time we saw Virgin Suicides by Sophia Coppola we had to answer the phone for 2/3 of the film, so we were only seeing without listening. And today at Sportsbaren we were discussing cinema, and I was thinking about what I have seen in the last year. Now I remember and see it for the first time complete./Tis. – Filmklubben//ÅHLENS UMEÅ Parfum köp första förslag (utan lukta) Paul Smith London//on banan HANDDISKMEDEL KRYDD PEPPAR HELA THE [coca cola] SKRIVPAPPER FRIMARKEN TUNNBRÖD WASABRÖD TRISSLOTT MARGOT KAVIAR 2CREMEFRAISE mellangrädde 3mjölk/SICILIA – APELSIN GYLLENE – KORSET//DIDACTIC Screening (Bildmuseet) –Anri Sala * –White woman with black Schleier –mo diener ”light steps” –”Palisades” Nicole Wermers –M.U.D. Nina Koennemann -14 Türen Ricarda Denzer –Schleyer Band Klaus vom Bruch –Kings of the Hill/ * ”über Land” Axel Gebereut 1:45 min.//another try to start a new live is to ask the shop assistant for a perfum suggestion for yourself and see what you end up with or maybe as//continue p1: after virgin suicide you could go for ”Icestorm” next//*** Plus Points för Marie på grund av …//page 3 förslag for det bruk av den ord ”ARBETE” When I was a studen(t) the only thing in what I believed was work. That could mean doing for hours things for its one sake or try to convince others to join the religion. Nowadays with the legitim postulation that artistic work has to be paid, not only by buying work, there`s a misinterpretation very modern. Being financed for musn`t lead to the consequence that what you are doing is work. And on top there`s really no reason to overtake all other missbehaviour from the rest of the society. But if you decide for your own sake to become the picture of society blame you and not us. (Wikstrœm!)//Liv är ett ständig hårklippning//twå månader forut Välkommen till Apoteket 301 Förbeställd medicin Datum: 25/1 2005 Tid: 9:29är gran lite ongstig hur länge mit mjölk levar: Förp. Dag 7MAR Bäst före: 14 MAR i dag: 21.3.//Marie explaines her contribution to the T-shirt Competition at Bildmuseet: ”The drawing shows my flat from above. What I realised afterwards, where the heart is (is) the entrance and the balcony is the stomache”. Why? (Did Marie ever got her appartment back???)//When I entered on Sunday the Bildmuseet and came to the workshopspace for T-shirt printing I felt immediately I do not need a T-shirt today. Instead of hanging useless around I chequed for the third time ”let it flow & let it be” (Wikstrom), looked out for Julia perone in the Fotoexhibition and ended up in watching 120 minutes Klaus vom Bruch (Germany) Schleyerband 1 + 2 in the Videoarkiv.//
(Since we send a 20kg package of documenting material she is supposed to go through we haven`t heard anything from Stockholm yet.)//CASSAVETES SVT2 del 1//40.6052 MÅLARDUK MAALAUSKANGAS 1M LEVEY 1-pa//the title felt off today MARIA//Boktip: Marie av Skane ”Der Stuhl als Pferd und umgekehrt” Det stol än … och omvänd © 1988GDR Verlagsanstalt Dresden//Umeå commune On the way to the Skiing resort a german tourist nearly broke his neck and in front of a house once more.//KÖK Oxfile make it brown on all sides and let it then for 10 min in the pan, minimum heat and turn once – perfect rosè//Ken Park on research what Chloe Sevigny doing in kids I went for Larry Clarks next film. Besides the Videoreflection and one marriage too much a surprisingly different film. All points. *****//HECOschrauben Diaschau My trip to Scandinavia just after school in the year 1988//Beaujolaise Royal A perfect fruity dry uncomplicated wine perfect for fish.//Lost in Translation is there anybody who thinks also that this is a stupid film, I cannot find one, but at least I`ve got now a Kundnr. at the Videothek//Det påsk hylla on tusday 29/3 ”you are going good in beige” Ana Lena to Johan//grafiksnyheten idag råns fil kryddpeppar paprika tomatpurè fil ”godis” smör granamsmjöl mjöl tomat-krossade 2st. paj grönsaker tomater, lök//Systemcheck: Altenburger Classic 2001 Burgenland/Austria Pinot gris och Pinot blanc druveran med ett lite jördton bra syra på ett bakrund av mild dicktighet med lätt doft av honung och äppler. (ett flask av tre)//Tisdagreport: 22/3 quite normal, nice desk arrangement good idea: showing ”last day of disco”, filming it and showing next time that copy, copying it again and so on. (We need a second camera)/Perhaps we have ballett-training after påsk/Ana Lena read her text beginning and ending with ”hej”. Johan thought that this is okey. Carrey Young is buisy with three openings on the next weekend.//MARIA Art. Nr 1053//
(22)Currency/22[News have to be paid with news]
The pope is dead//Gratis Sverige In an recently held interview with the History & Filosofie teacher of Umeå INTERNATIONAL School I could find out that there is no PISA-Studie-discussion in Sweden. (it`s an evaluation test for pupils in the EU) He explained like that. If there would be a bad result something with the test was wrong Bravo! At home everyone has to cry one tear a day for the bad education in Germany and everybody tries to help to make it worse//Ana-Lena-Lundmark is for ten days in Stockholm (and left with ”Don`t do anything in meanwhile”)//SÖK PENGAR TILLDITT INTRESSE 1996 en 15 årig tjej fran Tärnaby i sin ansökan till Norrmejeri-Stipendiet: ”Mit mål är att komma med i det alpina landslaget och få åka VW och OS. Det är höga mål men det vill jag. I dag du kan tida på mig av ett mjölk verpakning. Tack så mycket!//Vi är i cellare! Schalke 04 – 1.FCN 4:1//SPRING OUT When you stand at the seafront you can see far out that the water is open and a similar flirry effect as on hot summer days.//Vad will du tänka i dag//Snowreport ons Erik & Johan were buisy with screwing whatever and of course their snowboards. And they did digital fotos of their activity. Soon out on DVD!//Besides Quite good for what we exspected. Enough snow and top weather. Nearly nowbody in the slopes and a brå skrovmål for lunch. In the afternoon we let it run a bit slower & enjoyed the Sun.//1 April 2005 1300_____________1400_____________1500_______________1600 __The opposite of taste__ 1700 ______is content____//???Has anybody any information about a person called Anja Casserer//High School programm: AMERICAN PIE LÖRDAG 22.00 this is not a recommendation but//style reservaat: my sister in munich has now a turkish sofa on her balcony. I wouldn`t wonder to see a turkish Man soon there!//Anra Aktas !!! Du kan gjorda pankakkor utan mjölk i dag//Trümmerbericht Der Kunstverein München ist kaputt. Auf dem halben Weg eines ”kritischen Rückbaus” wurden echte Solnhofener Platten abgeschliffen. Nur ein Mensch ist Kalmar für immer//Sportsbaren (tisdag) When E. Wiksstroem visited for the first (and hopefully the last) time this Establishement, she wanted to be seated in the dark zone. We could convince her not sitting under the table. It was in the ”Rökfri Avtelning” where all the smoke of Sportsbaren goes to. E. Wiksstrœm complained on top ot these that the Hamburgare was cold. But what do you exspect for half price? Ana-Lena drunk three Pripps-Blå 2,8% before she was sent to Stockholm---------//sista nyheten Sören bli det nyd director av det Kunstverein (Konstföreining) GRAZ/Austriche//
(23)Clips/pärla 23/
Det nya Ferrari 2005 är fel//Vi inte behöver nagon skyldigför allting och för alltid!//sista park plats//Vad kan vi säga idag: I jag hopp att du har för mycket bra idè att du bli ett person med ett stor påfrestning i dag. Så du ka börja med tänka.//Vad är det? Snowboarder getting a lift//CASSAVETES SVT2 Filmklubben ”Faces DEL 2//Marie (Skane) ”Vi måste köpa det Video av den Romanesk Revolution fran Haroun Farockti” Bernd (Nürnberg): ”Du måste tida på själv” Johan (Göteborg): ”9.10 på skolan är sen!” Ulla Jag är där sedan 6 klockan alltid. You ( ): ”_______________________________. Roland (Holmön): Alla maniskor uppförd sig speciell!//Johan drömmer: Ann-Lena and her grey car// Sorry, both of you There is no swedish and no german candidate to become pope.//18./19./20. April Ludwig is available for whatever. On Thursday he will give an Badminton Introduction//Back on the bike: After skidoor saison is obviously finished we reactivated the trainings bike on floor three. First I had to steel a new pedal and fix it, but then I went on exercising by watching ”KILL BILL” VOL1 I lent out yesterday at Videotheket. With the second time it was not better than the first even worse. NEXTTRYVOLUMNE 2//Kamikaze mit första gånga på interessen klubben//Do you remember what you did same time last year/it still hurts/Du kan har nagot smärtstillande nu!//förbättra On every toilette should be an actual issue of Clas Ollsons Catalogue//NORSTEDTS engelska fickordbok: nutmeg [nattmegg] subst. Muskotnöt/32.000 ORD OCH FRASER//Badminton regel: Du måste läta andra vinna om det person har födelsedag. Så du kan ochsa vinna på din födelsedag ett gång i år. Det är okey eller ”fair enough” how the konstnäraffäreägare det saga.//Das Ende der Malerei: Der neue Malersaal öppna nu Målnatelje tr:3//
(24)/Packtjp PM 409 50 x 66 brun/7 317544 095021(3736004639
KUNGLIG HOVLEVERANTOR//: How long does it take to become an associate editor :four, maybe five years :you need a bestseller :Basically I would prefer to work in television : disco sucks!//Det Skelleftea-Lösning When you have an accident with the car drink three bottles of wine and say to the police you had to, cause of the accident.//Thank you to yourself/Marie/Marie öppna nu! (sponsored by Ana Westin)//tisdag: ”Bonding”(Ana Lena) ”Spritze” ”Traumatisation”(Johan) ”raisins” ”How I became stupid”(Terpentin)//AIR Transat Channel4 Reconstructed aircatastrophe This time the plane was running out of fuel and had to glide for 130 miles to the next available airport. They made it.//emotionally Tsunami: Som du verdrängar dig erinnering av dig barnhood du kan har ett e.t. senare//Porridgesolution: Mix your normal Havre gryn med lite Familj müsli och du hitt ett grand lite frukt smackling i dig frukost.//SAISONSTART Brave! Being a Footballstar and play with the situation being not recognized by a Taxi driver is definetly souverän. By the way what`s his name and who is married to Nancy? And what is the advertisement for.//Der nächste Witz presented (by) UPS ”Tomb Raider” sista Skoj: Who was first in Khambodia a) Lara Craft b) Elin Wikstrœm c) Khmer//Deutsche Ausgabe: this story comes from Germany and our customers know there know them very well: Simon Frisch the former coeditor of this magazine, who was forced in 2002 to publish his own issue, had had never eaten fresh bread before he entered his university career and so started his own living. Family Frisch (=fresh) was used to eat first the old bread and then the fresh. But it happened always that it was the turn of (the) new that has become old. But know Simon will become father at the 1st October.//Sorry Ana-Lena During your stay in Stockholm we had to move Skelleftea 70km north due to the fact that it is closer to Kiruna for the future. Va så god!//EdTV SVT1 Fri 22:30 Ron Howard (Director) Liz Hurley (herself) Dennis Hopper (father) Michael Moore (cunt) Ru Paul (Ru Paul)//Barbera d`Asti ”Monello” 2003 Properly one of the bottle of tillfällige nyheter mars 2005. That is what (you) exspect getting next to Pizza. A compact easy drinkable wine without too much deep taste. 99SEK (one bottle of three) to Pizza Hawai//During the last weekend I had new toilet reading stuff. Instead of Clas Olson Catalogue I got an Interview with Francis Bacon with somebody who is called MA. (delad ut på Emma i fyrårgenomgang)//Someday I will marry my classmate from the first class at primary school I would have liked to sit next but was not allowed. All the best for Camilla & Charles//
Du kan gå till AHLENS och probera all dag ett nu perfum utan köpa UMEÅ SERVICE//HURRA WIR HABEN EINEN DEUTSCHEN PAPST//top 50 ordlist 1. interesting [very often] 2. Very 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. Norway [never]//Köp en Värdemeny fr. 42 kr – få en huvudrätt från vår nya meny utan extra kostnad. Värde fr. 25kr Der Söndagproblem-Lösning or du kan gå ocksa till Hard-Rock Cafe (Storgatan) och bestellar ett T-shirt med Chili Cheese Nacos, Mozarella Stecks or Poikoloiki and och gå efter till det Unisextoiletter ensam.//When I was a student I had a garden in my last year, so (I) had a lot of grilling going on during the summer time. But one day we find little red marks all over the body. Actually it was Jan Verwoert who went to the doctor and found out that little animals in the garden were responsible for that katastrophie.//telefonera :Här ar ett kurator av Bildmuseet : Ursekta Jag vet inte att Bildmuseet har bara tekniker//Efterjury = before jury After 3 days this was my first night without a slide show but the first one also somebody sitting in front of my bed and waiting for questions//Hurei vi har ett papst fran Tyskland//Saisonstart fotboll Ingela went after 30 seconds with her spitzes Knee into my Oberschenkel//träpromenera//it`s amaizing that people who looks similar never know each other!//CHRISTAL CLEAR TAPE CHRISTAL CLEAR TAPE CHRISTAL CLEAR TAPE//If I am a Softie Jan is a Super softie//lastcall Please bring in your questions for the application interviews now! [English]//Marie 40 we have two sort of magazines on our sofa hidden 1. Porr 2. Hunting tidening/1floor//Juhu we have got a pope from Germany//if Feminism is still not able to watch Cassavetes without critisism they should wait for a while to go to cinema and found instead a political community F! //final T-shirt: My work is dead but I am alive (send in by E.Wikstrœm)//
(26)Flugplats/Nyheter 23 May 2005 4months in town!
The Brasilian minister came once to Sweden to sing a song. Afterwards he was asked how the Swedish audience was. He said that it was very simple and they are the most simple folk of the world. On the television it was translated with naturlig.//Last week I went to the Head Professor of this school and asked wether there was a plan to pay me for my contribution at the jury for the new applicants. Now the Head Professor is running around and telling that I am sour not being paid. Tacks mycket she should better run a graveyard//supported by Wallinairlines INGÅNG SKER PÅ EGEN RISK! ”Galleri Stefan Anderson” 2005-03-20 Detta utrymme är driftrum och för ej användas till annat var vänlig och ta ut den konst som nu finns här Med vänlig hälsning Ronny Fessel FaP 070-640 71 48 if arsewholes could fly Ronny would be a CHESSNA PS Om det inte är borta på tisdag ombesörger jag att det förvinner DS.//Holmsund * had a second chance: the weather was quite nice but when we arrived in Holmesund it was stormy dark and whatever. As soon as we had passed the bridges to Obola the weather became friendly again.//soon 3rd try Video Ny! Imagine In the smoking area once in a while people in silver clothes appear and pur shiny liquid in forms//Warför du kan inte gå i svenska hus? Det svenska mäniskor är ongstlig att Tyskland will kam tillbaka genom vardagsrum till Norge. Darför Sverige hade uppfinna Mobiltelefon att du kan höra om det människor på andra sidan har en tysk accent// * Christopher, Mike and Roland were born in HS//Sorry we måste kama tillbaka men vad passierad in sista veckan behöver luft. Nu jag hoppas att det var är sis det sista sista uttryck!//
(27)Haga Post
On page 2 we reprint an email Britt Marie sendt on Thursday at 5pm.//jetzt kommts! Sommerklubben im Radio! Ein so ein eingebildetes Gequatsche daß man ausschalten muß.//Källare Kreatur//0730 615967 call for doppel garage to tell her…//gå up hälsa (1), (2), (3)//men: Inte kör på min lite bror//Methode Holmsjönesk ”Segeln im Kanu mit Schlauchboot”//Take 3 pay for 2 GET THE CHEAPEST PRODUCT FOR FREE//Dear Berndt your time is over, please leave the guestappartement I scheduled your stay up to the 31st of May. Today is the 28th! (Tacka Pritt-Marie)//Start up: Coetzee Disgrace//mina första dröm här: Jag var på min väg för ett stor tur med min ryggsäck i dett tunnelbana. Nu Jag vill se en film på SF och jag stigör ut. Efter den film Jag realiseror att jag förlöror min ryggsäck. Men nästa mig jag hitta mina sakker. Det var resa med den tunnel banan under jag var på Kino. Nu jag har en andra – digitalcamera med mer Qualität extra.//When we met Roland Spolander (parttime Chef of Konsthögskolan) and I told him that I was visiting the humanisk departement at Umeå Universitet, where he is supposed with his second half, he seemed really afraid. I only had a look at the 60-talet collection in mind. Ursäkta! ICA MAXI//Holmsund Im- och Export: 1 x Toilet Roll: 2(Lagen) 248(Blatt) ca 140mm x ca 99mm (Maße) ca 35m (Länge) ca 125g (Gewicht)//Wenn man sich die Eier rassiert juckt nicht der Sack sondern die Oberschenkel reiben sich an den nachwachsenden Stoppeln wund. [MEN`S HEALTH]//In Tyskland mäniskor kalla projecter ”Raumsauger” [rumsuger]. Det är okey för en lite stan som Hildesheim, men du muste tänka att vi all har Internet i dagens tid. Michael Thomas (Hamburg)//nip/tuck SVT//Dröm 2: Min tante offeror mig ett stipendium om jag bekymra mig hava egen barn//1 x på veckan: ICA Stång Sparris//Jag är enfaldig att jag har aldig nyttia det fick värmare jag hade erhålla för jul fran Sheila. Nu jag sät här med warm hand mellan i sommar.//Haga Konsum FULLKORNSBRÖD med biodynamisk graham och råg mjöl, vetemjöl, surdeg, jäst salt och vatten//
(28)[Söndsvall] Leute
Josefin Justin, 19, schwedische Kellnerin, hat das Trinkgeld ihres Lebens erhalten. Statt seine Rechnung aufzurunden, schenkte ein Gast ihr einen Porsche. Der frisch pensionierte Mann hatte die Kellnerin, die in einem Cafè im mittelschwedischen Sundsvall bedient, nach ihrem Alter gefragt. Auf ihre Antwort habe er verkündet, ”daß ich seinen Porsche als Trinkgeld kriege”, sagte Justin der Zeitung Aftonbladet. Zuerst habe sie gedacht, er mache Spaß, doch schon wenig später durfte die Kellnerin den Wagen in Begleitung ihres Vaters abholen. Der Porsche 924 aus dem Baujahr 1979 hat einen Schätzwert von 3200 Euro. Der Gast, der anonym bleiben will, sagte dem Blatt, er bereue das Geschenk nicht: ”Ich saß im Restaurant, sah ihr in die Augen und dachte:”Sie soll den Porsche haben.”//Josefin Justin 19 år gamla jobbar i lokale ta borta drickspengar av hennes liv. I stället for avrunda hans requisition ett kunden skänkade hon en Porsche. Det fresk pensionerad kille har fragad kypare efter han hennes ålder (hon jobbad i ett mellansvenska cafeèt i Sundsvall). På hennes svar han förkundad ”att jag kan har hans Porsche som drickspengar, såde Justin till Aftonbladet tidningar. Först hon trode hat att han skoja bara, men lite senare kypare få plocka up bilen med hennes far i sällskap. Porsche 924 fran 1979 har en värdering av 32 000 kronor. Der gäst, han vill bli anonym, säde till aftonblådet, att han inte ångra hans skänk. ”Jag sittade i restaurangen, tittade i hennes ögon och tänkade: Hon ska ha det Porsche.//Das ist wirklich das Beschissenste was es gibt überall auf der Welt: Kinderfernsehen. am Samstag//Elisabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Skin Protectant Crème de Huit Heures Baume Apaisantt Rèparateur (250 SEK Åhlens) Det luktar som ett bränned bil däcket och smaker som häst tran [Sthlm ingredienser]//job möjligheten: ”Hovvård” man behöver transportmedel och tångset. Der är lättare om du har muskel i kroppen//FOTO av Sundsvall//SVT1 Gabriella Wessmanfrisur! Är du röddharig du kan gå till TEVE//Industrieomadet: Om man kör söder längsned hav du passera en stor fabrik (Aluminium) och ett par av höghusen. Strax finns det på vänster sidan en industrie minemal Här har bott ägare av Dicksons Sågverk/I dag det är museum med egen spelplats, utvecklad på N. Svensson och Staffan W. I Mai 2005 hantverkare är på umsetta Konstnärens ideer i verklighet. Tavlorna i Museums omradet är också gestaltad på N. Svensson. En styck var involverad i ett bil olycka (titta höger)/vägvisare olycka//Bergsåker 05JUL21 OMG 054 LOPP10 20 V 8,10 40:- B 9 05JUL21 21:23/0728 9028 F308 0C90//om din far giv dig 500 kronor och åstund fran dig att du muste slå vad för. Tacka!//Spelar du för mycket? Ring stödlinjen 020-81 91 00//Starta upp ett egen kariär! Vi på ATG behöver alltid kunder vi kan behandlar. Börja med till exempel Dagens Dubbel eller spela på Plats/Vinnare. Kanske senare Tvilling och V3 beföre du gjord din först System. Fran September vi har V64 bara på Solvalla och om du har problem efter ringa oss kl 0 – 24.//Dricka öl smakar bättre efter stor forlust och efter tre öl du glömma borta för vilken grund man har börjad. Om du drickar för mycket ringa oss också! Vi förmedla dig.//Börgmästare (Portrait)//
(29)Arbeitseinsatz/ TRÄGÅRD
Marieberget (Kramfors komun – barnvanligaste komune i Sverige)
Om han jobbar 1,2,3 timme varje dag på plats han kann stannar i 1960 talet lägenhet gratis. Om han jobbar lite mer han kan också har lite extra pengar för köp måt eller goodis. Det Kulturärv bostaden varna han uttrycklig det finns de muggle i det bereddställad soav möjelighet.//:”Vad ska han jobbar?” :”Vi kan tänka lite i pause”. :”Bra idè”. :”Det är så mycket grönsaker efter stallet, eller hur”. :”Ja, säker”. : ”Så vi kan tittar på ko och farm på annan sidan”. :”Men han kan inte använda motorsåg darför att han såknar försäkring. Han måste jobbar med handen.//myggskyddad insats//så det stycken passa brå i Backstugans oven//efter twå veckar du tittar igen på husen fran andra byer sidan//Pendeltrafic: Det finns det flygplatsen i närheten med daglig flygförbindelse till Östersund, Göteborg eller Stockholm. Du kan också landar med vattenflygplan i elven.//Buskedricka Rekorderlig krusbär 2,25%//Trav Dannero är Kramfors Komun travbanan med 16 tävlingsdagar per år. (stängd fran Sept. till Feb.)//Efter twå veckar du tittar igen på husen fran andra byers sidan//Ett gang scout – alltid scout!//Spillkrokan är Ådalens största förstörare. Man ska inte skoja med honom.//Radio P ett ”Spanare”: Asketismen är på väg!”//Efter nya Haga Kustenbron var byggnad Campingplats under gamla E4 muste stängd av.//efter: Han vill kommer förbi nästa år och om inte all trä är brå lagrad – tyska militär kommer också förbi!//kvinnoarbete: twå kvinnliga sommarjobbare måste sortera trä stycken i ställningar Benny byggnad för lågring trä för backstugan i omradet.//***Backstugan Sauna//
(30) il Legoknekt KEX RED PRINCE ICA #3217
Norge kvinna Maya ha en surf Projekt på Box Skulpturpark/Kramfors Komun.//Sommarjobbar på Umeå:Vi är så ledsen att tryck verkstad måste försvina på skolan/umeå 27/6 Roland, Pritt-Marie, E. Wikstrœm och din printteam//Chef-tekkning 2x4,5 +4m(3,5) KKYSS Strg regel kortsik//Kök Sandslån mycket typisk måt och en trevligt enterpreneur fran Stockholm, han är interesserad in Logopädie idag. [Buffet 12-14kl 65SEK]//solsken 1 Woche Sonnenschein war genug jetzt regnet es erstmal 10 Tage bis sich alles beruhigt hat. Das ist doch nicht naturlich.//DANNERO 05JUL17 OMG 011LOPP9 20 P 5/Dannero 05JUL17 OMG 011 LOPP9 20P 2 20:- D 54 05JUL17 19:41/E902 7439 B080 0298//Moa Kristensen ist das Kind eines Vaters der Sohn eines Malers ist. Moa malt wie der Vater und ihre Schwester, obwohl vielleicht malt die ja gar nicht. Jedenfalls hat Moa von Zlatan Ibraminovitsch geträumt und daß sie ihn vor seinen Mördern schützen muß. Warum Zlatan deshalb nackt ist kann man nicht sagen. Zur Strafe wird Moa in die Backstube gesperrt und muß ”Mats” rufen bis er sie rausholt//Salusands havsbad mit Campingplatz und Feriendorf an einem der längsten Strände im Norden Schwedens, der feinkörnigen Sand aufweist. Obwohl sich hier Tausende von Sonnenanbetern einfinden, ist zwischen den ausgebreiteten Decken und Sonnenschirmen genügend Platz vorhanden. +49 663 310 40//Aktas! Scientolog E. Wikstrœm Katie Holmes försvan i 16 dagar. När hon kom tillbaka var hon tilsammans med Tom Cruise och vill nu bli scientolog. Nu frågar jag mig vad som hände.//Die Bundesrepublik meldet: Exakt 12 jahre nach Abschluß seines Friedensdienstes in Tromsö Nordnorwegen wird der Krankenwagen samt Familie wieder ins Norwegische verschickt. Dies mal nach Trondheim, was immerhin eine Stadt ist. Er wird am deutschen Institut der dortigen Universität arbeiten. Privat engagiert er sich in einer Gruppe junger Menschen die sich ”Bürgersekte” nennt.//!!!!!!!!!!!!! Du kan alltid något lära för exempel att du måste (stickar) tändstickare mellan dig …………..(Pobacken). So du kan öppna dig anus för Vitamine (berättad Mats Bergquist)//Nyhamn Strand
(31)Hefte Möjarö/grönsaksrätt
Nach der Ankunft mit dem Y-Bus von Sundsvall her in Stockholm den Abgang der Fähre auf Ort/Zeit überprüft. Hinterher wurde der Versuch gestartet ein Ticket der sg. Billigfluglinie German Wings bei einem Reisebüro zu erwerben, was nach 4 nutzlosen Reisebüros unter Murren vom nebenstehenden Büro durchgeführt wurde. In Sundsvall wäre das im erst besten gegangen. Aber im Kulturhus in Stockholm tropft es vom Dach ins Cafe./Vällkommen till resia 062 Charter Datum ½ 2011 Tid 13:44/3495//1Som det hollandesk medborgare var borta, vädder blir genast mycket bättre. Det är okey!//26m x 2m + Naturtoilette (Inselarchitektur)//och in 17min du kan omronda hela ön//I morron jag är upptagen med organisation av en treasure hunt för ungdomer här//Deckchair Modell Marö//Det utsiktstor av Marö är en vad vinst. Tidigere det tor war del av en tekknik utställning i 20talet. Nu han är röstig. Maria var upp femton år sista gang//När har FC eller IK Marö trainings tid?//Metode Apolonia: Die Polypen werden durch den Zahnarzt entfernt. Das gehirn bleibt drin.//2 Efter en annan hollandesk insats det forbikommende medborgare kan titta igen i Marias trägård//Videogames//Om jag gjord salad du inte gjord salad – capisco?/Närkampen slovenisk//Jag spelar gärna Marias Gallionsfigur//enmastad//Översättning fram första sidan Back into town I had to visit four travel agencies to get finally my germanwingsticket to Berlin//
(32)Alpin Truppe/Vem är Bengt/2006/2/1år senare
På Redaktionsittning vi läsar tillsammans ”BEUYS GRAFIK” (Katalog till utställning på Bildmuseet 28 okt 1995 – 7 jan 1996) På sidan 35 sta i texten av Roland Spolander ”Skydda flamman!” en sidan vidare du kan lesa ”Och att hålla den kreativa lågan levande, att låta livets låga flamma obehindrat på väg mot frihetens dimensioner är varje mäniskans, varje individs ansvar.” Avslutningsvise [på Lehmbruck] … avsaknad av skräck för mellanrummet – avständet mellan kropp och själ – hör hemma i den tyska romantiken […] Nu vi måste sluta av grund av en person klappar på dören. Bitte spülen.//Influenza Umeå: fåglar Marie - Zone 1 - Zone 2 - hennes kat och Avstand//AVSLUTNING OS: 1. Tyskland 11/12/9 …. 7. Sverige 7/4/5/ men i Tyskland bara 5% har permanent snö i vinter. I Sverige finnste 30%. So vi har 4 000 000 mäniskor och du 3 000 000 kanske i snö. Nu du kan kalkulera resten själv.//På måndag vi hade stor efter-OS depression liksam alltid efter stor TV-evenemang. Vad ska jag göra efter gå upp fran sängen? Liten hopp är Fredags världcuppen i skidor.//NOT NOTHER TEENIE FILM(Channel5) Generationskyss//UTSIKT: En dag efter INTERNATIONELLT KVINNOR DAG kvinnlige skiddor kuskare vill pussar redan igen hennes Fischer skiddor! Det inte holdad lång tid för.//Jag aldrig träffa personer på Pizzeria MAT ADOR – Ludwig//VÅGEN ca 23/9 – 22/10 Nu du kan få höra att man vill att du ska genomgå en utbildning just för att du är duktig. Du har vägvinnande friska idèer. Även hälsan verkar bra. Ett frieri kan det bli talom, är du dess mål så måste det vara rart. Du är en tillgång för andra, och det lyser av kärlekslycka runtom dig.//Vi är absolut övertygad att Bildmuseet måste är stängd eller skickad till Skellefteå först installation av studenterna kan bara visad för en vecka av grund av finsk ambassadens besök andra aktuellt utställning med soava-video/fotografie/Nicaragua och Jerusalem Parsberg tredje du kan inte ta pris lapp från bökerna på REA [Roland Spolander på Beuys]//FASTLAGSBULLE det egentlig ide är att man äta semlar forut fastdagerna som sista måt. Men nu du startar redan i december kanske att du behöver nu mycket mer fastdagerna än bara till Ostern.//Forskaren Ingela Johansson: Jag har ingen anning hur det gå i framtiden med Glasindustrie i Kalmar.//Vad vill du, tom hus//Avräkning Umåker/KVÄLLENS SPONSORER Bostaden OF Skanska/V65 ATG 1: 20V3 20V10 +110 2. 11V20 8P20 -40 3. 4V20 6V20 -40 4. 11V20 4V20 +30 5. 2P20 4P20 -40 6. 4V20 8V20 +99 7. 4V20 8V20 -40 = +40//
(33)06/03 Nyheter fran Wallin
I söder Tyskland vi har just nu sä mycket snö! I München Spurvagnbanan kan inte funkar mer efter 1 och ½ dagar permanent snöfall. Nu alla måste kör tunnelbana. Lycklig omständighet. [ringa Daniel]//Faktisk vi trou Robert Stawinski är Scientologe efter läsar texten han delar ut till studenterna i feman. Hur mycket M.Lind är involverad in hans religion är obekant. Om du vill få ut mer kör till Stockholm och titta på Sofa i ”Heratshuding” Shopping Center på Karlsplan och lyssnar! Men om han är religiös vad är den E Wikstrœm? En dammsugare frireligiös eller Frisyrbehov//SCANDISTICK LIMSTIFT hjälpas mot alla och allas//Der Kaffee ist schon wieder schwarz! Kaffee är redan igen så svart!//2fast 2 furious/Mitsubishi Motors/Channel 4/söndag kl 9.00//METRO (Riks):1,2,3,4; 1 Tonat och uppklippt 2 Päls fran second hand 3 jeans att. Från Åhlens stövlat fran Erikshjälp 4 Röd väska fran H&M, hemstickade vanta Mössan från USA/ i det Dekoration du stannar bättre hem och inte gå på gatan//Achtung, achtung om du äta varje dag för mycket det är naturligtvis inte nog mutionera en gång i veckan. Du behöver minst 30min av övninger startar up fett reducierings processen i kroppen.//Examensutställning Bachelor of Fine Arts Konsthögskolan Vernissage lördag 4: mars lördag/söndag 4 -5 mars 2006 Öppet 12 – 17 Christian Bergman, Magni Borgehed, Olof Broström, Emma-Lina Ericson, Rosa Marie Frang, Erik Hedèn, Klas Hällerstrand, Magnus Svensson/Alla Varmt Välkomma Utställningsansvarig Gästprofessor Magnus Wallin Öppningsanförande lördag 14:00 av Prefekt Roland Spolander//Kvast Magnus jobbade brå med röja upp skolan. Nu vi kan startar med nya smuts. Välkommen åter!//Radio Mutter berättad att i Tyskland Moderatorna i TV visa brösterna. ”Du försummar vad”. Här i Sverige du behöver mer att blir ett programmledare. Du kan är tjock, har sker tänderna och ett konstig frisyr men den det är inte garantierad att du kan jobbar på Fernsehen. Sverige är ett vackert land. Ledsen.//Avgrund av jobansökningsgenomgang Janne kan inte kommer till Lunchdubbel (LD) på Umåker! Vi vill läkar efter.//Snooker idag var det femte dagen i Welsh Open//I vilken film katen kan gå till toaletten? ”Jag, min brud och mina svarföräldrar”//”Nicaragua fall” är inte det Niagarafalls i Canada det är ett utställning på Bildmuseet.(re – framing history)//Heja Jan, jag hittad anerobe område efter 10km av lång skiddor. Vet inte hur mycket det är på trainingscyklar – endast 1 timme – jag troudet!//sista resultat Galleristerna på Melodiefestivalen. En del av Andrè & Tschiptschenko spelar för BWO (Körper ohne Gedanken) och hoppas ”att vi skulle klara oss bättre i Athen än Kikki Danielson/framgangen är relativ//1.FCN – MSV DUISBURG 3.0// En kavaj är inter tillräckligt, men vi behöver bara ett! Och det är Magnus Wallin (kanske 100%Professor)//
(34) till Vetenskapsradet AVRÄKNINGER [använda som Evaluation]
Efter Lothar Mathäus var inte välkommad på 1.FC Nürnberg nu han jobbar på bet & win (Eurosport) tillsammans med Bosis Becker, Franz Klammer, Uschi Diesel, Christian Neureuther, Ingemark Stenmark//Der maktens ignoranz finns det inte bara i Konsthögskolan. För all i solken institutionen spelar det ingen roll wilken inlämning tjänst har eller för wilken mäniskor man jobbar. Alltid en elegant lösning stäng av hella platsen. Men bara skickar Tryggve hem är ingen förbättring.Men om du lova att du lämna oss i fred du kan har försättad betalning med liten extra utifran skolan!//för wilken tillfallen behöver du wilken glasögon//Scheiße 2//sista utdelning: Min Kopiercode är 7777//ISTRAV på Åresjön 10 mars: här du kan wärmar up din själ Bankoden 47 första start kl. 16.30/resultat: - prima ingen startlistor – ingen TV-visning – och ingen live sändning/istalled vi spelad DD i Romme: DD! 3,9 DD2 13,14//jag lärad mig själv: scheißen i alla formen. Bara med siffra 4 jag har liten problem artikulera. 1 – 3 är okej.//faktisk: det var en normalt behandling. Jag inte trou att det var synnerlig dålig. Det var bara dålig normalt Tack darför//positiv/negativ kan du flytta skolan borta fran elven. Jag vill inte skiddor med dig!//institutionsteknik (Vietta-Methode) Semlar är inte oskyldig. Semlar är en werktygg för komma närare och efter skruver djupare i dig.//I synnerlig fall himmel bekymrar sig själv: Mrs. Lundmark blir skickad till Skellefteå. Nu hon kan skadar hennes egen befölkninger./Väderprognose: moln över Skellefteå. +3°C//warför M. Lind behöver fyra månader skrivare text för publication IKEA payback (former known as ”production as process”) is not known är obekant. Kanske av grund av:………….. ……(titta sidan 4)//* ok! Minst M. Wallin blir bara gästprofessor och inte ”Utan Head Professor”. * warför Judith Schwarzbarth är plötsligt theori jag har ingen anning. Jag tro att hon jobbade med fruitgallery och jag vet inte om vi behöver kuratoren på skolan, om jag tänkar på Power och Flaubert Stawinski. En annan missförstand avsluta nu: Konstkritik är också inte teorie *Gratis! Verwoert att du gjord avhopp!//För att vi ska kunna glömma och förlåta. Inte vara avundsjuka utan glädjas med dem som vågar erkänna sina misstag. Anna//Scheiß 3//Det är ingen sprakproblem i fall av Designer/Grafik-Designer. Jag behöver ett Druckvorlagenhersteller/tekniker som kan användas scanner.//ett andra sista fragor: vad hade IASPIS i tanke om man skicka Büro of Interconnectivity –Birm/Jerusalem/Kambodscha till Umeå – inte som man hoppas förbättra kommunikationen – det funkar inte!//IKEA-Payback warför måste jaf betalar för Frau Linds felbehandling i Munchen 2002 till 2004. Det var inte min skuldighet: Fran nu reichsparteitagsgelände är stängd i Nurnberg!//Båda Berndt (Bernt och Bernd) gick darifran frivilligt!//
(Kommentar/Ergänzungen zumVerständnis)